Update SSL/TLS certificate domains for your Lightsail distribution - Amazon Lightsail

Update SSL/TLS certificate domains for your Lightsail distribution

You can change the custom domains used by your Amazon Lightsail distribution to another domain or set of domains. To do so, you must first create a new SSL/TLS certificate for the domains that you want to use with your distribution. For more information, see Create SSL/TLS certificates for your distribution. After the new certificate is validated, you swap the old certificate for the new one, thereby changing the custom domains for your distribution.

For more information about distributions, see Create a distribution.

Change custom domains for your distribution

Complete the following procedure to change the custom domains for your distribution.

  1. Sign in to the Lightsail console.

  2. On the Lightsail home page, choose the Networking tab.

  3. Choose the name of the distribution for which you want to change the custom domains.

  4. Choose the Custom domains tab on your distribution's management page.

  5. Detach the SSL/TLS certificate that is currently attached to the distribution.

    The status of the distribution will change to In progress.

  6. After the distribution's status changes back to Enabled, choose Attach certificate.

  7. In the dropdown menu that appears, select a valid certificate for the domain(s) that you want to use with your distribution.

  8. Verify the certificate information is correct, then choose Attach.

  9. Add a domain assignment to the DNS of your domain to point the domain to your distribution.

    The distribution's Status will change to Updating. After the status changes to Ready, the certificate's domain will appear in the Custom domains section. Choose Add domain assignment to point the domain to your distribution.

  10. Choose Add assignment. After a few moments, traffic for the domain that you selected will begin to be accepted by your distribution.

  11. Choose Save.