Update domain contact information in Lightsail - Amazon Lightsail

Update domain contact information in Lightsail

When you register a domain with Amazon Lightsail, you specify contact information for your domain. Following are three types of contact information:

  • Registrant: Owner of the domain

  • Administrator: Person responsible for administering your domain

  • Technical: Person responsible for making technical changes to your domain

Your domain’s contact information is used to verify ownership of your domain and to keep you updated about any information related to your domain name.


Who is the owner of a domain?

When the contact type is Person and you change the First Name or Last Name fields for the registrant contact, you change the owner of the domain.

When the contact type is any value except Person and you change Organization, you change the owner of the domain.

The following actions happen when you change the contact information for a domain that is currently registered with Lightsail:

  • If you change contact information for the domain, we send an email notification to the registrant contact about the change. This email comes from noreply@amazon.com. For most changes, the registrant contact is not required to respond.

  • For changes to contact information that also constitute a change in ownership, we send the registrant contact an additional email. ICANN, the organization that maintains a central database of domain names, requires that the registrant contact confirm receiving the email.

Update contact information for a domain

To update contact information for a domain, perform the following procedure.

  1. Sign in to the Lightsail console.

  2. Choose the Domains & DNS tab.

  3. Choose the name of the domain that you want to update.

  4. Choose the Contact info tab. Then, choose Edit contact.

  5. Update the applicable values. For more information, see Values that you specify when you register or transfer a domain in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

  6. Choose Save.