IMDSv2 - Amazon Linux 2023


By default, any instances launched with the AL2023 AMI require IMDSv2-only and your default hop limit will be set to 2 to allow for containerized workload support. This is done by setting the imds-support parameter to v2.0. For more information, see Configure the AMI in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.


The session token's time of validity can be anywhere between 1 second and 6 hours. The addresses to direct the API requests for IMDSv2 queries are the following:

  • IPv4:

  • IPv6: fd00:ec2::254

You can manually override these settings and enable IMDSv1 using Instance Metadata option launch properties. You can also use IAM controls to enforce different IMDS settings. For more information about setting up and using the Instance Metadata Service, see Use IMDSv2, Configure instance metadata options for new instances, and Modify instance metadata options for existing instances, in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.