RouteMatrixEntryError - Amazon Location Service


An error corresponding to the calculation of a route between the DeparturePosition and DestinationPosition.

The error code can be one of the following:

  • RouteNotFound - Unable to find a valid route with the given parameters.

  • RouteTooLong - Route calculation went beyond the maximum size of a route and was terminated before completion.

  • PositionsNotFound - One or more of the input positions were not found on the route network.

  • DestinationPositionNotFound - The destination position was not found on the route network.

  • DeparturePositionNotFound - The departure position was not found on the route network.

  • OtherValidationError - The given inputs were not valid or a route was not found. More information is given in the error Message



The type of error which occurred for the route calculation.

Type: String

Valid Values: RouteNotFound | RouteTooLong | PositionsNotFound | DestinationPositionNotFound | DeparturePositionNotFound | OtherValidationError

Required: Yes


A message about the error that occurred for the route calculation.

Type: String

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: