C++ API Reference (Version 1.10)

ReflectContext.h File Reference

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Header file for the reflection context and attribute base classes, which enable types to provide information about their contents. More...


class AZ::ReflectContext
Base class for all reflection contexts. More...
class AZ::Attribute
Base class for all attributes that are used by reflection contexts. More...
class AZ::AttributeData< T >
A generic attribute that contains data that is stored by value. More...
class AZ::AttributeMemberData< T >
A generic attribute that points to class member data. More...
class AZ::AttributeMemberData< T C::* >
An attribute that points to class member data of a specified class type. More...
class AZ::AttributeFunction< F >
A generic attribute that contains a pointer to a global function. More...
class AZ::AttributeFunction< R(Args...)>
An attribute that contains a pointer to a global function with the specified arguments and return type. More...
class AZ::AttributeMemberFunction< T >
A generic attribute that contains a pointer to a class member function. More...
class AZ::AttributeMemberFunction< R(C::*)(Args...)>
An attribute that contains a pointer to a class member function with the specified arguments and return type. More...
class AZ::AttributeMemberFunction< R(C::*)(Args...) const >
An attribute that contains a pointer to a const class member function with the specified arguments and return type. More...




typedef AZ::u32 AZ::AttributeId
The attribute ID type. More...
typedef AZStd::pair< AttributeId, Attribute * > AZ::AttributePair
A pair that contains an attribute's ID and a pointer to the attribute. More...
typedef AZStd::vector< AttributePair > AZ::AttributeArray
An array of attributes. More...


Attribute * AZ::FindAttribute (AttributeId id, const AttributeArray &attrArray)
Finds an attribute within an array of attributes. More...

Detailed Description

Header file for the reflection context and attribute base classes, which enable types to provide information about their contents.