C++ API Reference (Version 1.10)

AZ::Edit::UIHandlers Namespace Reference

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static const AZ::Crc32 Default
The default UI handler. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 Button
A button. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 CheckBox
A checkbox. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 Color
A UI element for color. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 ComboBox
A combo box. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 EntityId
An entity ID property handler. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 LayoutPadding
A UI element for specifying padding inside the edges of an element. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 LineEdit
A UI element that allows entry of a single line of text. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 MultiLineEdit
A UI element that allows entry of multiple lines of text. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 Quaternion
A quaternion property handler. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 Slider
A slider. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 SpinBox
A spin box, which is a text box field with an up-down control. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 Crc
A u32 representation of a CRC. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 Vector2
A UI element for handling a two-dimensional vector. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 Vector3
A UI element for handling a three-dimensional vector. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 Vector4
A UI element for handling a four-dimensional vector. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 Handler
A generic UI handler. More...

Variable Documentation


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Button

A button.

Example: The following example shows how to add a button to open the flow graph editor.

editContext->Class<FlowGraphWrapper>( "Flow Graph" , "Allows an Entity to own a FlowGraph" )
->DataElement( AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Button , &FlowGraphWrapper::m_openEditorButton, "" , "Opens the Flow Graph editor" )
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::ButtonText , "Open" )
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::ChangeNotify , &FlowGraphWrapper::OpenFlowGraphEditor);


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::CheckBox

A checkbox.

Example: The following example shows how to add a checkbox that users can use to specify whether a lens flare is visible.

editContext->Class<EditorLensFlareComponent>( "Lens Flare" , "Attaches a lens flare to an entity." )
->DataElement( AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::CheckBox , &EditorLensFlareComponent::m_visible, "Visible" , "Visibility status of this lens flare" )
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::ChangeNotify , &EditorLensFlareComponent::OnVisibleChanged);


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Color

A UI element for color.

Example: The following example shows how to add a UI element that users can use to adjust the color tint of a lens flare.

editContext->Class<LensFlareConfiguration>( "Configuration" , "Lens Flare configuration" )
->DataElement( AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Color , &LensFlareConfiguration::m_tint, "Tint" , "Lens flare color tint" )
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::ChangeNotify , &LensFlareConfiguration::PropertyChanged);


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::ComboBox

A combo box.

Example: The following example shows how to add a combo box that users can use to select cubemap resolution.

editContext->Class<LightConfiguration>( "Configuration" , "Light configuration" )
->DataElement( AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::ComboBox , &LightConfiguration::m_probeCubemapResolution, "Resolution" , "Cubemap resolution" )
->EnumAttribute(ResolutionSetting::ResDefault, "Default (256)" )
->EnumAttribute(ResolutionSetting::Res32, "32" )
->EnumAttribute(ResolutionSetting::Res64, "64" )
->EnumAttribute(ResolutionSetting::Res128, "128" )
->EnumAttribute(ResolutionSetting::Res256, "256" )
->EnumAttribute(ResolutionSetting::Res512, "512" );


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Crc

A u32 representation of a CRC.

This only works on u32 values.


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Default

The default UI handler.

For example, an editable number field for a numerical value.

Example: The following example shows how to specify the default UI handler for a size.

editContext->Class<LensFlareConfiguration>( "Configuration" , "Lens Flare configuration" )
->DataElement( AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Default , &LensFlareConfiguration::m_size, "Size" , "The size of the lens flare" )
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::Min , 0.f);


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::EntityId

An entity ID property handler.


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Handler

A generic UI handler.


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::LayoutPadding

A UI element for specifying padding inside the edges of an element.

Example: The following example shows how to add padding to a layout.

editContext->ClassElement( AZ::Edit::ClassElements::EditorData , "" )
->DataElement( AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::LayoutPadding , &UiLayoutColumnComponent::m_padding, "Padding" , "The layout padding." )
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::ChangeNotify , &UiLayoutColumnComponent::InvalidateLayout)
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::ChangeNotify , &UiLayoutColumnComponent::InvalidateParentLayout);


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::LineEdit

A UI element that allows entry of a single line of text.

Example: The following example shows how to enable users to add a one-line description of an entity.

editContext->Class<EditorShortCommentComponent>( "Comment" , "Allows users to record a short comment on entities." )
->DataElement( AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::LineEdit , &EditorShortCommentComponent::m_comment, "" , "Comment" )
->Attribute(AZ_CRC( "PlaceholderText" , 0xa23ec278), "Add comment text here." );


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::MultiLineEdit

A UI element that allows entry of multiple lines of text.

Example: The following example shows how to enable users to add a multiple-line description of an entity.

editContext->Class<EditorCommentComponent>( "Comment" , "Allows users to record comments on entities." )
->DataElement( AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::MultiLineEdit , &EditorCommentComponent::m_comment, "" , "Comment" )
->Attribute(AZ_CRC( "PlaceholderText" , 0xa23ec278), "Add comment text here." );


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Quaternion

A quaternion property handler.


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Slider

A slider.

Example: The following example shows how to add a slider that enables users to adjust the field of view of a light.

editContext->Class<LightConfiguration>( "Configuration" , "Light configuration" )->
->DataElement( AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Slider , &LightConfiguration::m_projectorFOV, "FOV" , "Projector light field of view" )
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::Visibility , &LightConfiguration::GetProjectorLightVisibility)
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::ChangeNotify , &LightConfiguration::MinorPropertyChanged)
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::Min , 1.f)
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::Max , 180.0f)
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::Step , 0.1f)
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::Suffix , " degrees" );


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::SpinBox

A spin box, which is a text box field with an up-down control.

Example: The following example shows how to add a spin box that enables users to control a setting.

editContext->Class<DecalConfiguration>( "Render Settings" , "Rendering options for the decal." )
->DataElement( AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::SpinBox , &DecalConfiguration::m_depth, "Depth" , "" )
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::ChangeNotify , &DecalConfiguration::MinorPropertyChanged)
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::Min , 0.f)
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::Max , 10.f)
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::Step , 1.f / 255.f);


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Vector2

A UI element for handling a two-dimensional vector.


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Vector3

A UI element for handling a three-dimensional vector.


const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Vector4

A UI element for handling a four-dimensional vector.