AWS Mainframe Modernization replatforming with NTT DATA - AWS Mainframe Modernization

AWS Mainframe Modernization replatforming with NTT DATA

AWS Mainframe Modernization offers a variety of Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). These AMIs facilitate the rapid provisioning of Amazon EC2 instances, creating a tailored environment for rehosting and replatforming mainframe applications in AWS by using NTT Data. This guide provides the steps required to access and use these AMIs.


  • Ensure that you have administrator access to an AWS account where you can create Amazon EC2 instances.

  • Verify that the AWS Mainframe Modernization service is available in the Region where you plan to create the Amazon EC2 instances. See List of AWS Services Available by Region.

  • Identify the Amazon VPC where you want to create the Amazon EC2 instances.

Subscribe to the Amazon Machine Image

When you subscribe to an AWS Marketplace product, you can launch an instance from the product's AMI.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Marketplace console at

  2. Choose Manage subscriptions.

  3. Copy and paste the following link into the browser address bar:

  4. Choose Continue to Subscribe.

  5. If the terms and conditions are acceptable, choose Accept Terms. The subscription might take a few minutes to process.

  6. Wait for a thank-you message to appear. This message confirms that you have successfully subscribed to the product.

  7. In the left navigate pane, choose Manage subscriptions. This view shows you all of your subscriptions.

Launch AWS Mainframe Modernization replatform with NTT DATA instance

  1. Open the AWS Marketplace console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Manage subscriptions.

  3. Find the AMI that you want to launch, and choose Launch new instance.

  4. Under Region, select the allow-listed Region.

  5. Choose Continue to launch through EC2. This action takes you to the Amazon EC2 console.

  6. Enter a name for the server.

  7. Select an instance type that matches your project performance and cost requirements. The suggested starting point for instance size is c5.2xLarge.

  8. Choose an existing key pair or create and save a new one. For information about key pairs, see Amazon EC2 key pairs and Linux instances in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

  9. Edit the network settings and choose the allow-listed VPC and appropriate subnet.

  10. Choose an existing security group or create a new one. If this is an Enterprise Server Amazon EC2 instance it is typical to allow TCP traffic to ports 86 and 10086 to administer the Rocket Software (formerly Micro Focus) configuration.

  11. Configure the storage for the Amazon EC2 instance.

  12. Review the summary and choose Launch instance. For the launch to success, the instance type must be valid. If the launch fails, choose Edit instance configuration and choose a different instance type.

  13. After you see the success message, choose Connect to instance.

  14. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  15. In the left navigation pane, under the Instances menu, choose Instances.

  16. In the main pane, check the status of your instance.

Getting started with NTT Data

After you provision the Amazon EC2 instance, SSH into it with the user name ec2-user. The screen will look like the following image.

SSH screen with provided Amazon EC2 instance and user name.

Under the /opt/software/ folder, there is a folder named UniKix_Product_Guides, as shown in the following image.

SSH screen with details of /opt/software/ folder. Spot the folder UniKix_Product_Guides.

The UniKix_Product_Guides folder includes the documentation for the following components that are installed on this Amazon EC2 instance:



  • NTT DATA Enterprise COBOL

  • NTT DATA UniKix Secure

  • NTT DATA UniKix Central Manager

The software folder that appears in the previous image has the binaries for the components that are listed above.

After you successfully validate the Amazon EC2 instance, get started using AWS Mainframe Modernization Replatform with NTT DATA by following the NTT Data documentation.