Requesting Real-time Predictions - Amazon Machine Learning

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Requesting Real-time Predictions

A real-time prediction is a synchronous call to Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML). The prediction is made when Amazon ML gets the request, and the response is returned immediately. Real-time predictions are commonly used to enable predictive capabilities within interactive web, mobile, or desktop applications. You can query an ML model created with Amazon ML for predictions in real time by using the low-latency Predict API. The Predict operation accepts a single input observation in the request payload, and returns the prediction synchronously in the response. This sets it apart from the batch prediction API, which is invoked with the ID of an Amazon ML datasource object that points to the location of the input observations, and asynchronously returns a URI to a file that contains predictions for all these observations. Amazon ML responds to most real-time prediction requests within 100 milliseconds.

You can try real-time predictions without incurring charges in the Amazon ML console. If you then decide to use real-time predictions, you must first create an endpoint for real-time prediction generation. You can do this in the Amazon ML console or by using the CreateRealtimeEndpoint API. After you have an endpoint, use the real-time prediction API to generate real-time predictions.


After you create a real-time endpoint for your model, you will start incurring a capacity reservation charge that is based on the model's size. For more information, see Pricing. If you create the real-time endpoint in the console, the console displays a breakdown of the estimated charges that the endpoint will accrue on an ongoing basis. To stop incurring the charge when you no longer need to obtain real-time predictions from that model, remove the real-time endpoint by using the console or the DeleteRealtimeEndpoint operation.

For examples of Predict requests and responses, see Predict in the Amazon Machine Learning API Reference. To see an example of the exact response format that uses your model, see Trying Real-Time Predictions.

Trying Real-Time Predictions

To help you decide whether to enable real-time prediction, Amazon ML allows you to try generating predictions on single data records without incurring the additional charges associated with setting up a real-time prediction endpoint. To try real-time prediction, you must have an ML model. To create real-time predictions on a larger scale, use the Predict API in the Amazon Machine Learning API Reference.

To try real-time predictions
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Machine Learning console at

  2. In the navigation bar, in the Amazon Machine Learning drop down, choose ML models.

  3. Choose the model that you want to use to try real-time predictions, such as the Subscription propensity model from the tutorial.

  4. On the ML model report page, under Predictions, choose Summary, and then choose Try real-time predictions.

    Tools section with option to try real-time predictions.

    Amazon ML shows a list of the variables that made up the data records that Amazon ML used to train your model.

  5. You can proceed by entering data in each of the fields in the form or by pasting a single data record, in CSV format, into the text box.

    To use the form, for each Value field, enter the data that you want to use to test your real-time predictions. If the data record you are entering does not contain values for one or more data attributes, leave the entry fields blank.

    To provide a data record, choose Paste a record. Paste a single CSV-formatted row of data into the text field, and choose Submit. Amazon ML auto-populates the Value fields for you.


    The data in the data record must have the same number of columns as the training data, and be arranged in the same order. The only exception is that you should omit the target value. If you include a target value, Amazon ML ignores it.

  6. At the bottom of the page, choose Create prediction. Amazon ML returns the prediction immediately.

    In the Prediction results pane, you see the prediction object that the Predict API call returns, along with the ML model type, the name of the target variable, and the predicted class or value. For information about interpreting the results, see Interpreting the Contents of Batch Prediction Files for a Binary Classification ML model.

    Prediction results showing binary ML model type with predicted label 0 and score details.

Creating a Real-Time Endpoint

To generate real-time predictions, you need to create a real-time endpoint. To create a real-time endpoint, you must already have an ML model for which you want to generate real-time predictions. You can create a real-time endpoint by using the Amazon ML console or by calling the CreateRealtimeEndpoint API. For more information on using the CreateRealtimeEndpoint API, see in the Amazon Machine Learning API Reference.

To create a real-time endpoint
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Machine Learning console at

  2. In the navigation bar, in the Amazon Machine Learning drop down, choose ML models.

  3. Choose the model for which you want to generate real-time predictions.

  4. On the ML model summary page, under Predictions, choose Create real-time endpoint.

    A dialog box that explains how real-time predictions are priced appears.

  5. Choose Create. The real-time endpoint request is sent to Amazon ML and entered into a queue. The status of the real-time endpoint is Updating.

    Real-time endpoint status shown as "Updating" in a user interface element.
  6. When the real-time endpoint is ready, the status changes to Ready, and Amazon ML displays the endpoint URL. Use the endpoint URL to create real-time prediction requests with the Predict API. For more information about using the Predict API, see in the Amazon Machine Learning API Reference.

    Real-time endpoint status showing Ready with an endpoint URL and Peak Requests Per Second value.

Locating the Real-time Prediction Endpoint (Console)

To use the Amazon ML console to find the endpoint URL for an ML model navigate to the model's ML model summary page.

To locate a real-time endpoint URL
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Machine Learning console at

  2. In the navigation bar, in the Amazon Machine Learning drop down, choose ML models.

  3. Choose the model for which you want to generate real-time predictions.

  4. On the ML model summary page, scroll down until you see the Predictions section.

  5. The endpoint URL for the model is listed in Real-time prediction. Use the URL as the Endpoint Url URL for your real-time prediction calls. For information on how to use the endpoint to generate predictions, see in the Amazon Machine Learning API Reference.

Locating the Real-time Prediction Endpoint (API)

When you create a real-time endpoint by using the CreateRealtimeEndpoint operation, the URL and status of the endpoint is returned to you in the response. If you created the real-time endpoint by using the console or if you want to retrieve the URL and status of an endpoint that you created earlier, call the GetMLModel operation with the ID of the model that you want to query for real-time predictions. The endpoint information is contained in the EndpointInfo section of the response. For a model that has a real-time endpoint associated with it, the EndpointInfo might look like this:

"EndpointInfo":{ "CreatedAt": 1427864874.227, "EndpointStatus": "READY", "EndpointUrl": "https://endpointUrl", "PeakRequestsPerSecond": 200 }

A model without a real-time endpoint would return the following:

EndpointInfo":{ "EndpointStatus": "NONE", "PeakRequestsPerSecond": 0 }

Creating a Real-time Prediction Request

A sample Predict request payload might look like this:

{ "MLModelId": "model-id", "Record":{ "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" }, "PredictEndpoint": "https://endpointUrl" }

The PredictEndpoint field must correspond to the EndpointUrl field of the EndpointInfo structure. Amazon ML uses this field to route the request to the appropriate servers in the real-time prediction fleet.

The MLModelId is the identifier of a previously trained model with a real-time endpoint.

A Record is a map of variable names to variable values. Each pair represents an observation. The Record map contains the inputs to your Amazon ML model. It is analogous to a single row of data in your training data set, without the target variable. Regardless of the type of values in the training data, Record contains a string-to-string mapping.


You can omit variables for which you do not have a value, although this might reduce the accuracy of your prediction. The more variables you can include, the more accurate your model is.

The format of the response returned by Predict requests depends on the type of model that is being queried for prediction. In all cases, the details field contains information about the prediction request, notably including the PredictiveModelType field with the model type.

The following example shows a response for a binary model:

{ "Prediction":{ "details":{ "PredictiveModelType": "BINARY" }, "predictedLabel": "0", "predictedScores":{ "0": 0.47380468249320984 } } }

Notice the predictedLabel field that contains the predicted label, in this case 0. Amazon ML computes the predicted label by comparing the prediction score against the classification cut-off:

  • You can obtain the classification cut-off that is currently associated with an ML model by inspecting the ScoreThreshold field in the response of the GetMLModel operation, or by viewing the model information in the Amazon ML console. If you do not set a score threshold, Amazon ML uses the default value of 0.5.

  • You can obtain the exact prediction score for a binary classification model by inspecting the predictedScores map. Within this map, the predicted label is paired with the exact prediction score.

For more information about binary predictions, see Interpreting the Predictions.

The following example shows a response for a regression model. Notice that the predicted numeric value is found in the predictedValue field:

{ "Prediction":{ "details":{ "PredictiveModelType": "REGRESSION" }, "predictedValue": 15.508452415466309 } }

The following example shows a response for a multiclass model:

{ "Prediction":{ "details":{ "PredictiveModelType": "MULTICLASS" }, "predictedLabel": "red", "predictedScores":{ "red": 0.12923571467399597, "green": 0.08416014909744263, "orange": 0.22713537514209747, "blue": 0.1438363939523697, "pink": 0.184102863073349, "violet": 0.12816807627677917, "brown": 0.10336143523454666 } } }

Similar to binary classification models, the predicted label/class is found in the predictedLabel field. You can further understand how strongly the prediction is related to each class by looking at the predictedScores map. The higher the score of a class within this map, the more strongly the prediction is related to the class, with the highest value ultimately being selected as the predictedLabel.

For more information about multiclass predictions, see Multiclass Model Insights.

Deleting a Real-Time Endpoint

When you've completed your real-time predictions, delete the real-time endpoint to avoid incurring additional charges. Charges stop accruing as soon as you delete your endpoint.

To delete a real-time endpoint
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Machine Learning console at

  2. In the navigation bar, in the Amazon Machine Learning drop down, choose ML models.

  3. Choose the model that no longer requires real-time predictions.

  4. On the ML model report page, under Predictions, choose Summary.

  5. Choose Delete real-time endpoint.

  6. In the Delete real-time endpoint dialog box, choose Delete.