Training Parameters - Amazon Machine Learning

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Training Parameters

The Amazon ML learning algorithm accepts parameters, called hyperparameters or training parameters, that allow you to control the quality of the resulting model. Depending on the hyperparameter, Amazon ML auto-selects settings or provides static defaults for the hyperparameters. Although default hyperparameter settings generally produce useful models, you might be able to improve the predictive performance of your models by changing hyperparameter values. The following sections describe common hyperparameters associated with learning algorithms for linear models, such as those created by Amazon ML.

Learning Rate

The learning rate is a constant value used in the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) algorithm. Learning rate affects the speed at which the algorithm reaches (converges to) the optimal weights. The SGD algorithm makes updates to the weights of the linear model for every data example it sees. The size of these updates is controlled by the learning rate. Too large a learning rate might prevent the weights from approaching the optimal solution. Too small a value results in the algorithm requiring many passes to approach the optimal weights.

In Amazon ML, the learning rate is auto-selected based on your data.

Model Size

If you have many input features, the number of possible patterns in the data can result in a large model. Large models have practical implications, such as requiring more RAM to hold the model while training and when generating predictions. In Amazon ML, you can reduce the model size by using L1 regularization or by specifically restricting the model size by specifying the maximum size. Note that if you reduce the model size too much, you could reduce your model's predictive power.

For information about the default model size, see Training Parameters: Types and Default Values. For more information about regularization, see Regularization.

Number of Passes

The SGD algorithm makes sequential passes over the training data. The Number of passes parameter controls the number of passes that the algorithm makes over the training data. More passes result in a model that fits the data better (if the learning rate is not too large), but the benefit diminishes with an increasing number of passes. For smaller data sets, you can significantly increase the number of passes, which allows the learning algorithm to effectively fit the data more closely. For extremely large datasets, a single pass might suffice.

For information about the default number of passes, see Training Parameters: Types and Default Values.

Data Shuffling

In Amazon ML, you must shuffle your data because the SGD algorithm is influenced by the order of the rows in the training data. Shuffling your training data results in better ML models because it helps the SGD algorithm avoid solutions that are optimal for the first type of data it sees, but not for the full range of data. Shuffling mixes up the order of your data so that the SGD algorithm doesn't encounter one type of data for too many observations in succession. If it sees only one type of data for many successive weight updates, the algorithm might not be able to correct the model weights for a new data type because the update might be too large. Additionally, when the data isn't presented randomly, it's difficult for the algorithm to find the optimal solution for all of the data types quickly; in some cases, the algorithm might never find the optimal solution. Shuffling the training data helps the algorithm to converge on the optimal solution sooner.

For example, say you want to train an ML model to predict a product type, and your training data includes movie, toy, and video game product types. If you sort the data by the product type column before uploading the data to Amazon S3, then the algorithm sees the data alphabetically by product type. The algorithm sees all of your data for movies first, and your ML model begins to learn patterns for movies. Then, when your model encounters data on toys, every update that the algorithm makes would fit the model to the toy product type, even if those updates degrade the patterns that fit movies. This sudden switch from movie to toy type can produce a model that doesn't learn how to predict product types accurately.

For information about the default shuffling type, see Training Parameters: Types and Default Values.


Regularization helps prevent linear models from overfitting training data examples (that is, memorizing patterns instead of generalizing them) by penalizing extreme weight values. L1 regularization has the effect of reducing the number of features used in the model by pushing to zero the weights of features that would otherwise have small weights. As a result, L1 regularization results in sparse models and reduces the amount of noise in the model. L2 regularization results in smaller overall weight values, and stabilizes the weights when there is high correlation between the input features. You control the amount of L1 or L2 regularization applied by using the Regularization type and Regularization amount parameters. An extremely large regularization value could result in all features having zero weights, preventing a model from learning patterns.

For information about the default regularization values, see Training Parameters: Types and Default Values.