Changing the status of a sensitive data discovery job - Amazon Macie

Changing the status of a sensitive data discovery job

After you create a sensitive data discovery job, you can pause it temporarily or cancel it permanently. When you pause a job that's actively running, Amazon Macie immediately begins to pause all processing tasks for the job. When you cancel a job that's actively running, Macie immediately begins to stop all processing tasks for the job. You can’t resume or restart a job after it’s cancelled.

If you pause a one-time job, you can resume it within 30 days. When you resume the job, Macie immediately resumes processing from the point where you paused the job. Macie doesn't restart the job from the beginning. If you don't resume a one-time job within 30 days of pausing it, the job expires and Macie cancels it.

If you pause a periodic job, you can resume it at any time. If you resume a periodic job and the job was idle when you paused it, Macie resumes the job according to the schedule and other configuration settings that you chose when you created the job. If you resume a periodic job and the job was actively running when you paused it, how Macie resumes the job depends on when you resume the job:

  • If you resume the job within 30 days of pausing it, Macie immediately resumes the latest scheduled run from the point where you paused the job. Macie doesn't restart the run from the beginning.

  • If you don't resume the job within 30 days of pausing it, the latest scheduled run expires and Macie cancels all remaining processing tasks for the run. When you subsequently resume the job, Macie resumes the job according to the schedule and other configuration settings that you chose when you created the job.

To help you determine when a paused job or job run will expire, Macie adds an expiration date to the job’s details while the job is paused. In addition, we notify you approximately seven days before the job or job run will expire. We notify you again when the job or job run expires and is cancelled. To notify you, we send email to the address that's associated with your AWS account. We also create AWS Health events and Amazon CloudWatch Events for your account. To check the expiration date by using the console, choose the job’s name in the table on the Jobs page. Then refer to the Expires field in the Status details section of the details panel. To check the date programmatically, use the DescribeClassificationJob operation of the Amazon Macie API.

To pause, resume, or cancel a job

To pause, resume, or cancel a job by using the Amazon Macie console, follow these steps. To do this programmatically, use the UpdateClassificationJob operation of the Amazon Macie API.

  1. Open the Amazon Macie console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Jobs. The Jobs page opens and displays the number of jobs in your inventory and a table of those jobs.

  3. At the top of the page, choose refresh ( The refresh button, which is a button that displays an empty, dark gray circle with an arrow. ) to retrieve the current status of each job.

  4. In the Jobs table, select the check box for the job that you want to pause, resume, or cancel. To find the job more quickly, you can filter the table by using the filter options above the table. You can also sort the table in ascending or descending order by certain fields.

  5. On the Actions menu, do one of the following:

    • To pause the job temporarily, choose Pause. This option is available only if the job's current status is Active (Idle), Active (Running), or Paused (By Macie).

    • To resume the job, choose Resume. This option is available only if the job's current status is Paused (By user).

    • To cancel the job permanently, choose Cancel. If you choose this option, you can't subsequently resume or restart the job.