What is Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Access Bitcoin? - AMB Access Bitcoin

What is Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Access Bitcoin?

Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Access provides you with public blockchain nodes for Ethereum and Bitcoin, and you can also create private blockchain networks with the Hyperledger Fabric framework. Choose from various methods to engage with public blockchains, including fully managed, single-tenant (dedicated), and serverless multi-tenant API operations to public blockchain nodes. For use cases where access controls are important, you can choose from fully managed private blockchain networks. Standardized API operations give you instant scalability on a fully managed, resilient infrastructure, so you can build blockchain applications.

AMB Access gives you two distinct types of blockchain infrastructure services: multi-tenant blockchain network access API operations and dedicated blockchain nodes and networks. With dedicated blockchain infrastructure, you can create and use public Ethereum blockchain nodes and private Hyperledger Fabric blockchain networks for your own use. Multi-tenant, API-based offerings, however, such as AMB Access Bitcoin, are composed of a fleet of Bitcoin nodes behind an API layer where the underlying blockchain node infrastructure is shared among customers.

Bitcoin is a decentralized blockchain network that enables secure peer-to-peer transactions of value denominated in the network’s native cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC). The Bitcoin network is used by individuals, financial institutions, fintech companies, governments, and more. The Bitcoin network is a medium of exchange, a commodity for investment, or a publicly verifiable and immutable ledger for inscribed data. With Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Access Bitcoin, you can access a pool of Bitcoin Mainnet and Testnet networks through Regional endpoints, through which you can write transactions, read data from the ledger, and invoke JSON-RPC requests available on the Bitcoin Core node client. With serverless Bitcoin endpoints, you can focus on building your applications instead of investing in undifferentiated work such as provisioning, maintaining, and load-balancing Bitcoin nodes. Whether you’re building a Bitcoin wallet, building a crypto exchange, or analyzing Bitcoin blockchain data, you only pay for the requests that you make through the Bitcoin endpoints by using AMB Access Bitcoin.

Are you a first-time AMB Access Bitcoin user?

If you are a first-time user of AMB Access Bitcoin, we recommend that you begin by reading the following sections: