Making JSON-RPC API calls to an Ethereum node in Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB)
The following examples demonstrate ways to make Ethereum JSON-RPC API calls to an Ethereum node in Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB).
Using Signature Version 4 to make JSON-RPC API calls to an Ethereum node
The following sections demonstrate ways to make JSON-RPC API calls to an Ethereum node on Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) using the Signature Version 4 signing process.
The Signature Version 4 signing process requires the credentials that are associated with an AWS account. Some examples in this section export these sensitive credentials to the shell environment of the client. Only use these examples on a client that run in a trusted context. Do not use these examples in an untrusted context, such as in a web browser or mobile app. Never embed client credentials in user-facing applications. To expose an Ethereum node in AMB Access to anonymous users visiting from trusted web domains, you can set up a separate endpoint in Amazon API Gateway that's backed by a Lambda function that forwards requests to your node using the proper IAM credentials.
- Endpoint format for making JSON-RPC API calls over WebSocket and HTTP connections using Signature Version 4
- Using web3.js to make JSON-RPC API calls
- Making JSON-RPC API call using AWS SDK for JavaScript with a WebSocket connection to an Ethereum node in Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB)
- Making JSON-RPC API calls using awscurl over HTTP
Endpoint format for making JSON-RPC API calls over WebSocket and HTTP connections using Signature Version 4
An Ethereum node created using AMB Access Ethereum hosts one endpoint for WebSocket connections and another for HTTP connections. These endpoints conform to the following patterns.
The node ID is case sensitive and must be lowercase where indicated, or a signature mismatch error occurs.
WebSocket endpoint format
For example:
HTTP endpoint format
For example,
Using web3.js to make JSON-RPC API calls
Both HTTP and WebSocket connection types rely on a local connection provider library to open the Signature Version 4 authenticated connection to the Ethereum node. You install the provider for the connection locally by copying the source code to a file on your client. Then, reference the library files in the script that makes the Ethereum API call.
Running the example scripts requires the following prerequisites. Prerequisites for both HTTP and WebSocket connections are included.
You must have node version manager (nvm) and Node.js installed on your machine. If you use an Amazon EC2 instance as your Ethereum client, see Tutorial: Setting Up Node.js on an Amazon EC2 Instance for more information.
node --version
and verify that you are using Node version 14 or later. If necessary, you can use thenvm install 14
command followed by thenvm use 14
command to install version 14.-
The environment variables
must contain the credentials that are associated with the same AWS account that created the node. The environment variablesAMB_HTTP_ENDPOINT
must contain your Ethereum node's HTTP and WebSocket endpoints respectively.Export these variables as strings on your client using the following commands. Replace the values with appropriate values from your IAM user account.
"export AMB_HTTP_ENDPOINT="https://
nd-6eaj5va43jggnpxouzp7y47e4y"export AMB_WS_ENDPOINT="wss://
To make an Ethereum API call using web3.js over HTTP to your Ethereum node in the AMB Access
This example script uses the ECMAScript (ES) module. Therefore, add the
"type": "module"
line to yourpackage.json
file. The examplepackage.json
snippet that follows shows the contents required to successfully run this example.{ "type": "module", "dependencies": { "@aws-crypto/sha256-js": "^4.0.0", "@aws-sdk/credential-providers": "^3.352.0", "@aws-sdk/fetch-http-handler": "^3.353.0", "@aws-sdk/protocol-http": "^3.347.0", "@aws-sdk/signature-v4": "^3.347.0", "@aws-sdk/types": "^3.347.0", "web3": "^1.10.0", "xhr2": "^0.2.1" } }
Use node package manager (npm) to install the requisite dependencies.
npm install
Copy the contents of the example that follows, and then use your preferred text editor to save it to a file that's named
on your client machine in the same directory where you run your script.Contents of awsHttpSigV4-v2.js
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Authored by Rafia Tapia // Senior Blockchain Solutions Architect, AWS // licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// import HttpProvider from 'web3-providers-http'; import XHR2 from 'xhr2'; import { fromEnv} from '@aws-sdk/credential-providers'; import sigv4 from '@aws-sdk/signature-v4'; import http from '@aws-sdk/protocol-http'; import crypto from "@aws-crypto/sha256-js"; export default class AWSHttpSigV4_v2Provider extends HttpProvider { constructor(connectionStr) { super(connectionStr); } send(payload, callback) { const self = this; /* ******************** XHR2 *************************** */ const request = new XHR2(); // eslint-disable-line request.timeout = self.timeout;'POST',, true); request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); request.onreadystatechange = () => { if (request.readyState === 4 && request.timeout !== 1) { let result = request.responseText; // eslint-disable-line let error = null; // eslint-disable-line try { result = JSON.parse(result); } catch (jsonError) { let message; if (!!result && !!result.error && !!result.error.message) { message = `[aws-ethjs-provider-http] ${result.error.message}`; } else { message = `[aws-ethjs-provider-http] Invalid JSON RPC response from host provider ${}: ` + `${JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)}`; } error = new Error(message); } self.connected = true; callback(error, result); } }; request.ontimeout = () => { self.connected = false; callback(`[aws-ethjs-provider-http] CONNECTION TIMEOUT: http request timeout after ${self.timeout} ` + `ms. (i.e. your connect has timed out for whatever reason, check your provider).`, null); }; /* ******************** END XHR2 *************************** */ const strPayload = JSON.stringify(payload); const region = process.env.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION || 'us-east-1'; try { const urlparser=new URL( let signerV4 = new sigv4.SignatureV4({ credentials: fromEnv(), region: region, service: "managedblockchain", sha256: crypto.Sha256 }); let requestOptions={ protocol:urlparser.protocol, hostname:urlparser.hostname, method: 'POST', body:strPayload, headers:{'host'}, path:urlparser.pathname } const newReq = new http.HttpRequest(requestOptions); signerV4.sign(newReq,{signingDate:new Date(),}).then(signedHttpRequest => { request.setRequestHeader('authorization', signedHttpRequest.headers['authorization']); request.setRequestHeader('x-amz-date', signedHttpRequest.headers['x-amz-date']); request.setRequestHeader('x-amz-content-sha256', signedHttpRequest.headers['x-amz-content-sha256']); request.send(strPayload); }).catch(sigError => { console.log(sigError); }); } catch (error) { callback(`[aws-ethjs-provider-http] CONNECTION ERROR: Couldn't connect to node '${}': ` + `${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`, null); } } }
Copy the contents of the following example, and then use your preferred text editor to save it to a file that's named
in the same directory where you saved the provider from the previous step. The example script runs the
Ethereum method. You can modify the script to include other methods and their parameters.getNodeInfo
Contents of web3-example-http.js
import AWSHttpSigV4_v2Provider from './awsHttpSigV4-v2.js'; const endpoint = process.env.AMB_HTTP_ENDPOINT const web3 = new Web3(new AWSHttpSigV4_v2Provider(endpoint)); web3.eth.getNodeInfo().then(console.log);
Run the script to call the Ethereum API method over HTTP on your Ethereum node.
node web3-example-http.js
The output is similar to the following.
To make an Ethereum API call using web3.js over WebSocket to your Ethereum node in the AMB Access
The following example
snippet that follows shows the dependencies required to successfully run the example."@aws-sdk/credential-providers": "^3.352.0", "@aws-sdk/fetch-http-handler": "^3.353.0", "@aws-sdk/protocol-http": "^3.347.0", "@aws-sdk/signature-v4": "^3.347.0", "@aws-sdk/types": "^3.347.0", "web3": "^1.10.0", "websocket": "^1.0.34"1*"
Use node package manager (npm) to install the requisite dependencies.
npm install
Copy the contents of the example that follows, and then use a text editor of your choosing to save it to a file that's named
in the same directory on your client where you run your script.Contents of web3-example-ws.js
// Authored by Rafia Tapia // Senior Blockchain Solutions Architect, AWS // licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// import Web3 from 'web3'; import WebsocketProvider from 'web3-providers-ws'; import { fromEnv } from '@aws-sdk/credential-providers'; import sigv4 from '@aws-sdk/signature-v4'; import http from '@aws-sdk/protocol-http'; import crypto from "@aws-crypto/sha256-js"; const endpoint = process.env.AMB_WS_ENDPOINT const region = process.env.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION || 'us-east-1'; const urlparser = new URL(endpoint); let signerV4 = new sigv4.SignatureV4({ credentials: fromEnv(), region: region, service: "managedblockchain", sha256: crypto.Sha256 }); let reqOptions = { protocol: "HTTPS", hostname: urlparser.hostname, method: 'GET', body: "", headers: { 'host': }, path: urlparser.pathname }; const newReq = new http.HttpRequest(reqOptions); signerV4.sign(newReq, { signingDate: new Date(), }).then(signedHttpRequest => { const options = { headers: { 'Authorization': signedHttpRequest.headers['authorization'], "X-Amz-Date": signedHttpRequest.headers['x-amz-date'], "X-Amz-Content-Sha256": signedHttpRequest.headers['x-amz-content-sha256'], 'host':signedHttpRequest.headers['host'] } }; const web3 = new Web3(new WebsocketProvider(endpoint, options)); web3.eth.getNodeInfo().then(console.log).then(() => { web3.currentProvider.connection.close(); }); }).catch(sigError => { console.log(sigError); })
Run the script to call the Ethereum API method over WebSocket on your Ethereum node.
node web3-example-ws.js
The output is similar to following.
Making JSON-RPC API call using AWS SDK for JavaScript with a WebSocket connection to an Ethereum node in Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB)
The following example uses a JavaScript file for Node.js to open a WebSocket connection to the Ethereum node endpoint in AMB Access and sends an Ethereum JSON-RPC API call.
Running the example script requires the following:
Node.js is installed on your machine. If you are using an Amazon EC2 instance, see Tutorial: Setting Up Node.js on an Amazon EC2 Instance.
The following example
snippet that follows shows the dependencies required to successfully run the example."@aws-sdk/credential-providers": "^3.352.0", "@aws-sdk/fetch-http-handler": "^3.353.0", "@aws-sdk/protocol-http": "^3.347.0", "@aws-sdk/signature-v4": "^3.347.0", "@aws-sdk/types": "^3.347.0", "web3": "^1.10.0", "websocket-client": "^1.0.0", "ws": "^8.14.2"
Use node package manager (npm) to install the requisite dependencies.
Example To make an Ethereum API call over WebSocket to your Ethereum node on AMB Access
Copy the contents of the following script and save it to a file on your machine (for example,
).The example calls the Ethereum JSON-RPC method
along with thenewHeads
parameter. You can replace this method and its parameters with any method that's listed in Supported JSON-RPC methods.Contents of ws-ethereum-example.js
// Authored by Rafia Tapia // Senior Blockchain Solutions Architect, AWS // licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// import Web3 from 'web3'; import { fromEnv } from '@aws-sdk/credential-providers'; import sigv4 from '@aws-sdk/signature-v4'; import http from '@aws-sdk/protocol-http'; import crypto from "@aws-crypto/sha256-js"; import WebSocket from 'ws'; const endpoint = process.env.AMB_WS_ENDPOINT const region = process.env.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION || 'us-east-1'; const urlparser = new URL(endpoint); let signerV4 = new sigv4.SignatureV4({ credentials: fromEnv(), region: region, service: "managedblockchain", sha256: crypto.Sha256 }); let reqOptions = { protocol: "HTTPS", hostname: urlparser.hostname, method: 'GET', body: "", headers: { 'host': }, path: urlparser.pathname }; const newReq = new http.HttpRequest(reqOptions); signerV4.sign(newReq, { signingDate: new Date(), }).then(signedHttpRequest => { let payload = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: '
', params: ["newHeads
"], id: 67 } const ws = new WebSocket(endpoint, { headers: signedHttpRequest.headers }); ws.onopen = async () => { ws.send(JSON.stringify(payload)); console.log('Sent request'); } ws.onerror = (error) => { console.error(`WebSocket error: ${error.message}`) } ws.onmessage = (e) => { console.log( } }).catch(sigError => { console.log(sigError); })Run the following command to call the Ethereum API method over WebSocket on your Ethereum node.
node ws-ethereum-example.js
method with thenewHeads
parameter generates a notification each time a new header is appended to the chain. Output is similar to the following example. The WebSocket connection remains open and additional notifications appear until you cancel the command.sent request {"id":67,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"0xabcd123456789efg0h123ijk45l6m7n8"}
Making JSON-RPC API calls using awscurl over HTTP
The example that follows uses awscurl
with the ID of a
node in your account (for example, your-node-id-lowercase
). The example calls the
method, which takes an empty parameter block. You can
replace this method and its parameters with any method that's listed in Supported JSON-RPC methods.
awscurl --service managedblockchain \ -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "web3_clientVersion", "params": [], "id": 67}' \ https://
The command returns output similar to the following.
Using token based access to make JSON-RPC API calls to an Ethereum node
You can use Accessor tokens to make Ethereum API calls to an Ethereum node as a convenient
alternative to the Signature Version 4 (SigV4) signing process. You must provide a BILLING_TOKEN
from one of the Accessor tokens that you create as a query parameter with the call. For more information on creating and managing Accessor tokens,
see the topic on Using token based
If you prioritize security and auditability over convenience, use the SigV4 signing process instead.
You can access the Ethereum APIs using Signature Version 4 (SigV4) and token based access. However, if you choose to use token based access, then any security benefits that are provided by using SigV4 are negated.
Never embed Accessor tokens in user-facing applications.
The following examples demonstrate ways to make Ethereum JSON-RPC API calls to an Ethereum node on Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) using token based access.
Endpoint format for WebSocket and HTTP connections using token based access
Each Ethereum node hosts one endpoint for WebSocket connections and another for HTTP connections. For token based access, these endpoints conform to the following patterns:
The node ID is case sensitive and must be lowercase where indicated, or a signature mismatch error occurs.
WebSocket endpoint format
For example,
HTTP endpoint format
For example,
Using wscat to connect and JSON-RPC API calls to your Ethereum node over WebSocket connection using token based access
This section describes how you can use a third party utility,
After installing wscat, use the following command to open a WebSocket connection to your ethereum node.
wscat --connect wss://
This opens an active WebSocket connection to your node as shown in the following example response:
Connected (press CTRL+C to quit) >
JSON-RPC calls can now be executed as follows,
A reply should arrive back with the same id.
> {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"
} < {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":"0x9798e5
For subscriptions, calls can be executed in the following format,
> {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"
} < {"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"0x4742411a16a232389a5877d4184e57b9"}
You should continuously get subscription messages that correspond to new blocks roughly every 15 seconds. To stop the messages, unsubscribe by using the subscription ID from the initial response.
> {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"
} < {"id":1
Using awscurl to make JSON-RPC API calls to your Ethereum node over HTTP using token based access
The following example uses awscurl
awscurl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"
}' 'https://your-node-id
Example Reply (Contents may differ):