Step 1: Create the Network and First Member
When you create the network, you specify the following parameters along with basic information such as names and descriptions:
The open-source framework and version. This tutorial uses Hyperledger Fabric version 2.2.
The voting policy for proposals on the network. For more information, see Work with Proposals for a Hyperledger Fabric Network on Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB).
The first member of the network, including the administrative user and administrative password that are used to authenticate to the member's certificate authority (CA).
Each member that is created accrues charges according to the membership rate for the network. For more information, see Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Pricing
Create the network using the AWS CLI or AMB Access console according to the following instructions. It takes around 30 minutes for AMB Access to provision resources and bring the network online.
Open the AMB Access console at
. Choose Create private network.
Under Blockchain frameworks:
Select the blockchain framework to use. This tutorial is based on Hyperledger Fabric version 2.2.
Select the Network edition to use. The network edition determines attributes of the network, such as the maximum number of members, nodes per member, and transaction throughput. Different editions have different rates associated with the membership. For more information, see Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Pricing
Enter a Network name and description.
Under Voting Policy, choose the following:
Enter the Approval threshold percentage along with the comparator, either Greater than or Greater than or equal to. For a proposal to pass, the Yes votes cast must meet this threshold before the vote duration expires.
Enter the Proposal duration in hours. If enough votes are not cast within this duration to either approve or reject a proposal, the proposal status is
, no further votes on this proposal are allowed, and the proposal does not pass.
Choose Next, and then, under Create member, do the following to define the first member for the network, which you own:
Enter a Member name that will be visible to all members and an optional Description.
Under Hyperledger Fabric certificate authority (CA) configuration specify a username and password to be used as the administrator on the Hyperledger Fabric CA. Remember the user name and password. You need them later any time that you create users and resources that need to authenticate.
Choose Next.
Review Network options and Member options, and then choose Create network and member.
The Networks list shows the name and Network ID of the network you created, with a Status of Creating. It takes around 30 minutes for AMB Access to create your network, after which the Status is Available.
Use the create-network
command as shown in the following example. Consider the following:
The example shows
as theFramework
as theFrameworkVersion
. TheFrameworkConfiguration
properties for--network-configuration
options might be different for other frameworks and versions.The
must be at least 8 characters long and no more than 32 characters. It must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one digit. It cannot have a single quote(‘), double quote(“), forward slash(/), backward slash(\), @, percent sign (%), or a space.The member name must not contain any special characters.
Remember the user name and password. You need them later any time you create users and resources that need to authenticate.
[ec2-user@ip-192-0-2-17 ~]$
aws managedblockchain create-network \ --cli-input-json '{\"Name\":\"OurBlockchainNet
\", \"Description\":\"OurBlockchainNetDesc
\", \"Framework\":\"HYPERLEDGER_FABRIC\",\"FrameworkVersion\": \"2.2\", \"FrameworkConfiguration\": {\"Fabric\": {\"Edition\": \"STARTER\"}}, \"VotingPolicy\": {\"ApprovalThresholdPolicy\": {\"ThresholdPercentage\": 50, \"ProposalDurationInHours\": 24, \"ThresholdComparator\": \"GREATER_THAN\"}}, “MemberConfiguration”: {\"Name\":\"org1
\", \"Description\":\"Org1 first member of network
\", \"FrameworkConfiguration\":{\"Fabric\":\n{\"AdminUsername\":\"MyAdminUser
\"}}, \"LogPublishingConfiguration\": {\"Fabric\":{\"CaLogs\":{\"Cloudwatch\": {\"Enabled\": true}}}}}}'
The command returns the Network ID and the Member ID, as shown in the following example:
{ "NetworkId": "
" }
The Networks page on the console shows a Status of Available when the network is ready. Alternatively, you can use the list-networks
command, as shown in the following example, to
confirm the network status.
aws managedblockchain list-networks
The command returns information about the network, including an AVAILABLE
{ "Networks": [ { "Id": "
", "Name": "MyTestNetwork
", "Description": "MyNetDescription
", "Framework": "HYPERLEDGER_FABRIC", "FrameworkVersion": "2.2", "Status": "AVAILABLE", "CreationDate": 1541497086.888, } ] }