ListRfcSummaries - AWS Managed Services


Returns summaries of Request for Change (RFCs) that meet the specified criteria.

Request Syntax

{ "Filters": [ { "Attribute": "string", "Condition": "string", "Value": "string", "Values": [ "string" ] } ], "Locale": "string", "MaxResults": number, "NextToken": "string", "RequestedEndTimeRange": { "EndTime": "string", "StartTime": "string" }, "RequestedStartTimeRange": { "EndTime": "string", "StartTime": "string" } }

Request Parameters

For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.

The request accepts the following data in JSON format.


You can Filter results based on an Attribute and Value combined in a logical AND operation, or based on an Attribute, a Condition, and Values.

The following are the valid filter attributes:

  • Valid Values: Any string representing an ISO8601 datetime (e.g., “20170101T000000Z”).

  • Valid Conditions: Before, After, Between

  • Default Condition: None

  • Notes: The Before or After condition only accepts one value in the Values field. The Between condition must have exactly two values in the Values field, where the first value should represent a date that happens before the second value.

  • Valid Values: Any string representing an ISO8601 datetime (e.g., “20170101T000000Z”).

  • Valid Conditions: Before, After, Between

  • Default Condition: None

  • Notes: The Before or After condition only accepts one value in the Values field. The Between condition must have exactly two values in the Values field, where the first value should represent a date that happens before the second value.

  • Valid Values: Manual, Automated

  • Valid Conditions: Equals

  • Default Condition: Equals

  • Notes: There are only two automation statuses.

  • Valid Values: Any string (maximum allowed length is 2048 characters).

  • Valid Conditions: Contains

  • Default Condition: Contains

  • Notes: The CreatedBy field of the RFC contains the ARN of the user who created it.

  • Valid Values: Any string representing an ISO8601 datetime (e.g., “20170101T000000Z”).

  • Valid Conditions: Before, After, Between

  • Default Condition: None

  • Notes: The Before or After condition only accepts one value in the Values field. The Between condition must have exactly two values in the Values field, where the first value should represent a date that happens before the second value.

  • Valid Values: Any string representing an ISO8601 datetime (e.g., “20170101T000000Z”).

  • Valid Conditions: Before, After, Between

  • Default Condition: None

  • Notes: The Before or After condition only accepts one value in the Values field. The Between condition must have exactly two values in the Values field, where the first value should represent a date that happens before the second value.

  • Valid Values: Any string representing an ISO8601 datetime (e.g., “20170101T000000Z”).

  • Valid Conditions: Before, After, Between

  • Default Condition: None

  • Notes: The Before or After condition only accepts one value in the Values field. The Between condition must have exactly two values in the Values field, where the first value should represent a date that happens before the second value.

  • Valid Values: Any string representing an ISO8601 datetime (e.g., “20170101T000000Z”).

  • Valid Conditions: Before, After, Between

  • Default Condition: None

  • Notes:The Before or After condition only accepts one value in the Values field. The Between condition must have exactly two values in the Values field, where the first value should represent a date that happens before the second value.

  • Valid Values: Any string representing an ISO8601 datetime (e.g., “20170101T000000Z”).

  • Valid Conditions: Before, After, Between

  • Default Condition: None

  • Notes: The Before or After condition only accepts one value in the Values field. The Between condition must have exactly two values in the Values field, where the first value should represent a date that happens before the second value.

  • Valid Values: Canceled, Editing, Failure, InProgress, PendingApproval, Rejected, Scheduled, Success

  • Valid Conditions: Equals

  • Default Condition: Equals

  • Notes: Refresh the RFC list in the AMS console or run GetRfc.

  • Valid Values: Any valid RFC title.

  • Valid Conditions: Contains

  • Default Condition: Contains

  • Notes: Regular expressions in each individual field are not supported. Case insensitive search.

For more information about the filter attributes and examples, see Finding RFCs in the AMS User Guide.

Type: Array of Filter objects

Required: No


The locale (language) to return information in. The default is English. Note: For future use; not currently implemented.

Type: String

Required: No


The maximum number of items to return in one batch. Valid values are 20-100.

Type: Integer

Required: No


If the response contains more items than MaxResults, only MaxResults items are returned, and a NextToken pagination token is returned in the response. To retrieve the next batch of items, reissue the request and include the returned token in the NextToken parameter. When all items have been returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.

Type: String

Required: No


This parameter has been deprecated.

The span of time during which you want the change to end.

Type: TimeRange object

Required: No


This parameter has been deprecated.

The span of time during which you want the change to start.

Type: TimeRange object

Required: No

Response Syntax

{ "NextToken": "string", "RfcSummaries": [ { "ActionState": { "Id": "string", "Name": "string" }, "ActualExecutionTimeRange": { "EndTime": "string", "StartTime": "string" }, "ApprovalState": { "AwsApprovalStatus": { "Id": "string", "Name": "string" }, "CustomerApprovalStatus": { "Id": "string", "Name": "string" } }, "AutomationStatus": { "Id": "string", "Name": "string" }, "ChangeTypeId": "string", "ChangeTypeVersion": "string", "CreatedBy": "string", "CreatedTime": "string", "LastCorrespondenceTime": "string", "LastModifiedTime": "string", "LastSubmittedTime": "string", "RequestedExecutionTimeRange": { "EndTime": "string", "StartTime": "string" }, "RfcId": "string", "Status": { "Id": "string", "Name": "string" }, "Title": "string" } ] }

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.


If the response contains more items than MaxResults, only MaxResults items are returned, and a NextToken pagination token is returned in the response. To retrieve the next batch of items, reissue the request and include the returned token in the NextToken parameter. When all items have been returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.

Type: String


The summaries of RFCs that meet the specified criteria.

Type: Array of RfcSummary objects


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


An unspecified server error occurred.

HTTP Status Code: 500


A specified argument is not valid.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Sample Request Using the CreatedBy Filter Attribute

The following is an example request using the CreatedBy filter attribute.

{ "Operation": "", "Service": "", "Input": { "Filters": [ { "Attribute": "CreatedBy", "Values": [ "John", "Mary" ], "Condition": "Contains" } ] } }

Sample Response Using the CreatedBy Filter Attribute

The following is an example response from the request using the CreatedBy filter attribute.

{ "Output": { "__type": "", "NextToken": null, "RfcSummaries": [ { "ActionState": { "Id": "NotApplicable", "Name": "NotApplicable" }, "ActualExecutionTimeRange": { "EndTime": null, "StartTime": null }, "AutomationStatus": { "Id": "Automated", "Name": "Automated" }, "ChangeTypeId": "ct-3izj492hm8s02", "ChangeTypeVersion": "4.0", "CreatedBy": "arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/FullAccess/John-Isengard", "CreatedTime": "20191025T232624Z", "LastCorrespondenceTime": null, "LastModifiedTime": "20191025T232624Z", "LastSubmittedTime": null, "RequestedExecutionTimeRange": { "EndTime": null, "StartTime": null }, "RfcId": "14b7029f-0a16-a83e-09d6-cd4fc9598ba9", "Status": { "Id": "Editing", "Name": "Editing" }, "Title": "test" }, { "ActionState": { "Id": "NotApplicable", "Name": "NotApplicable" }, "ActualExecutionTimeRange": { "EndTime": "20191017T184158Z", "StartTime": "20191017T184135Z" }, "AutomationStatus": { "Id": "Automated", "Name": "Automated" }, "ChangeTypeId": "ct-3izj492hm8s02", "ChangeTypeVersion": "2.0", "CreatedBy": "arn:aws:sts::111122223333:assumed-role/PowerUserAccess/Mary-Isengard", "CreatedTime": "20191017T183530Z", "LastCorrespondenceTime": null, "LastModifiedTime": "20191017T184158Z", "LastSubmittedTime": "20191017T183604Z", "RequestedExecutionTimeRange": { "EndTime": null, "StartTime": null }, "RfcId": "32b6ed80-6efd-b096-9a2b-ff273c3a52f6", "Status": { "Id": "Success", "Name": "Success" }, "Title": "testExecutionResponse" } ] } }

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: