Purchase orders - AWS Marketplace

Purchase orders

When you use purchase orders in AWS Marketplace and the AWS Billing console, you receive invoices from AWS that include the customer-defined purchase order number. This approach simplifies payment processing and cost allocation. In AWS Marketplace, out-of-cycle invoices include purchases that are billed either immediately or according to a defined payment scheduled in a private offer. Generally, pay-as-you-go charges appear on a consolidated AWS Marketplace monthly usage invoice.

Using purchase orders for AWS Marketplace transactions

You can add a purchase order at the time of transaction, which will apply to all subsequent out-of-cycle invoices related to that transaction.

The following products support purchase orders:

  • Software as a service (SaaS) contracts

  • Professional service products

  • Server products (including AMI instances, containers, AWS CloudFormation templates, and Helm charts with an annual or contract pricing model


    Purchase order support for the annual pricing model is only available for private offers with a flexible payment schedule.

Purchase orders for the annual pricing model are only supported for private offers with a flexible payment schedule. The purchase order that you specify doesn't apply to consolidated AWS Marketplace monthly invoices for pay-as-you-go charges.


To use purchase orders in AWS Marketplace, the management account in your AWS organization must enable the AWS Billing integration. This one-time setup task creates a service-linked role, which allows accounts in your organization with permission to subscribe to use purchase orders. If you don't enable the integration, accounts in your organization can't add a purchase order during procurement. For more information about the integration, see Creating a service-linked role for AWS Marketplace.

To specify a purchase order in AWS Marketplace
  1. Find and prepare to purchase a supported product from AWS Marketplace.

  2. During the purchase process, on the Configure your software subscription page (for SaaS), for Purchase order, choose Add purchase order number.

  3. Enter your purchase order number in the Purchase order number field.

    Your purchase order number is the number or text that you use to track your purchase order in your system. It's usually issued by an internal system or process. It can be up to 200 characters in length.

For details about a purchase order, including purchase orders provided during AWS Marketplace transactions, use the purchase orders dashboard in the AWS Billing console.

Using blanket usage purchase orders

To separate AWS Marketplace charges from other purchase orders, you can create a purchase order with an AWS Marketplace blanket usage line item in the AWS Billing console. AWS Marketplace invoice transactions will include the blanket usage purchase order that you specify if certain criteria and parameters match (for example, billing entities). An exception is out-of-cycle bills that have specified an AWS Marketplace transaction purchase order. For more information, see Managing your purchase orders in the AWS Billing and Cost Management User Guide.

Troubleshooting purchase orders

The information in the following table can help you troubleshoot issues with purchase orders, or understand what happens in different scenarios.

Scenario Details
Insufficient permissions The note displays near the Purchase order entry field if you don't have the aws-marketplace:Subscribe persmission to subscribe. The management account must also enable the AWS Billing integration. For information about enabling the integration, see Creating a service-linked role for AWS Marketplace.
Purchase order does not exist AWS Marketplace creates a new purchase order for you. The new purchase order has default information, with no contact information.
Missing purchase order notifications Purchase orders without contact information (including the purchase orders created by AWS Marketplace) do not receive email notifications. You can add contact information to a purchase order in the Purchase Orders dashboard in the Billing and Cost Management console.
Incorrect purchase order number added If you enter an incorrect purchase order number and need to update it, contact AWS Support to update the purchase order number.

Subscribing account moves to a different organization

For purchase orders to work in the new organization, the integration must be completed in the new organization. If integration has been completed, and purchase order support is working in the new organization, then when the subscribing account moves between organizations, new invoices show the purchase order number in the new organization (and a new purchase order is created, if necessary).

Purchase order option not available when checking out The AWS Billing integration is only available for SaaS contracts, professional service products, and server products with contract pricing, and server products with annual pricing for private offers with a flexible payment schedule.

Contracts with pay-as-you-go

The invoice for the contract shows the purchase order number, but the invoice for consumption (pay as you go) does not show the purchase order number. The pay-as-you-go model does not support adding purchase order numbers.

Consider adding a purchase order with an AWS Marketplace blanket usage line item in the AWS Billing console.

Suspended purchase order

When a purchase order number is provided, and the purchase order is marked as suspended in the Purchase Orders dashboard in the Billing and Cost Management console, the new line item is added to the purchase order, but the invoice does not include the purchase order. The billing admin for the AWS account needs to make the purchase order active, and contact AWS Support to regenerate the invoice with the active purchase order.

Expired purchase order

When a purchase order number is provided, and the purchase order is expired, the new line item is created and the purchase order is marked as active. The line item's end date is used as the new purchase order expiration date.

Balance tracking

Balance tracking is not enabled for AWS Marketplace line items.

Procurement system integration

The purchase order provided by an integrated procurement system is shown on invoices.

Flexible payment schedule - initial purchase

A contract that has specific dates for invoicing (flexible payment schedule) generates an initial line item in the purchase order for zero dollars. Additional line items with applicable prices are created for each invoice.

Flexible payment schedule - multiple purchase orders If you need your individual payments for a flexible payment schedule to show up with different purchase orders, contact AWS Support to change the purchase order number on future invoices.