Quotas in AWS Elemental MediaConnect - AWS Elemental MediaConnect

Quotas in AWS Elemental MediaConnect

The following table describes quotas, formerly referred to as limits, in AWS Elemental MediaConnect. For information about quotas that can be changed, see AWS Service Quotas.

Resource Default Quota Comments
Entitlements 50 per flow The maximum number of entitlements that you can grant on a flow.

You cannot increase this quota.

Flows 20 per AWS Region

The maximum number of flows that you can create in each AWS Region.

You can request a quota increase.


50 per transport stream flow

10 per CDI flow

The maximum number of outputs that a flow can have.

You cannot increase this quota.


2 per transport stream flow

1 per CDI flow

The maximum number of sources that a flow can have.

You cannot increase this quota.

VPC interfaces 2 ENA interfaces and 1 EFA interface per flow The maximum number of VPC interfaces that a flow can have.

You cannot increase this quota.


To optimize performance, we recommend that you set up your workflow for an aggregate output bandwidth of 400 Mb/s or less. For more information, see Best practices.

Limits for API requests

The following table describes the limits for API request frequency in MediaConnect. These limits are not quotas that you can increase. If you exceed these limits, MediaConnect returns an HTTP 429 (too many requests) error.

API method


Frequency of API requests - steady state 5 requests per second for each account in a Region.

This limit is not a quota that you can increase.

Frequency of API requests - burst mode

Burst mode allows a temporary overrun of the steady state limit.

If API requests exceed the burst mode limit, MediaConnect will throttle the limit and return a 429 error.

The limit will refill at a rate of 5 requests per second.

30 requests per second for each account in a Region.

This limit is not a quota that you can increase.


If your application exceeds these limits, we recommend that you implement exponential backoff for retries. For more information, see Error Retries and Exponential Backoff in AWS in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.