Setting maintenance windows
You can select the day and time that maintenance events occur. This is called a maintenance window. These windows help minimize maintenance impact on your production.
A maintenance window is used every time a maintenance event is required. You can set a maintenance window while creating a flow, or add the window to an existing flow. To change the day and time of a maintenance window, you can use the MediaConnect console or the AWS CLI. Also, if maintenance is required, you can set a specific date for the maintenance to occur. The date you select must be before the required maintenance date.
If you don't set a maintenance window, MediaConnect restarts the flows for you. We recommend that you set a maintenance window for each flow that requires maintenance.
To set a maintenance window (console)
Open the MediaConnect console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Flows. When a flow requires maintenance, it will display a Required by date under the Maintenance window column.
Select the flow or flows. You can set a unique maintenance window for each flow. Alternatively, you can set maintenance windows in bulk by selecting multiple flows.
Under the Flow actions drop-down menu, select Edit flow maintenance window.
Select the day of the week maintenance will occur in the Start day field.
Select the time maintenance will occur in the Start hour field. Time is presented in UTC.
If maintenance is required, you have the option to select a specific date in the Maintenance window date field. The selected date must occur before the required maintenance date and time.
Select Update.
You can verify the window by viewing the Maintenance window column on the Flows dashboard.
To set a maintenance window (AWS CLI)
In the AWS CLI, use the
command with the--maintenance
option. You will also need to use the--flow-arn
option to specify which flow you are working with.The
option accepts the following arguments:-
- This argument is only accepted when there is a required maintenance date assigned by AWS.
Use the following command to update the reoccurring maintenance day and time. The maintenance day and time can be configured at any time, regardless of required maintenance status.
aws mediaconnect update-flow --flow-arn
--maintenance MaintenanceDay='Tuesday'
The following example shows the return value when only setting the MaintenanceDay and MaintenanceStartHour:
{ "Flows": [ { "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2d", "Description": "Example flow description", "FlowArn": "arn:aws:mediaconnect:us-east-1:111122223333:flow:1-23aBC45dEF67hiJ8-12AbC34DE5fG:BasketballGame", "Name": "BasketballGame", "SourceType": "OWNED", "Status": "STANDBY", "Maintenance": { "MaintenanceDay": "Tuesday", "MaintenanceStartHour": "10:00"} } ] }
Use the following command to set a specific maintenance date, in addition to setting the reoccurring maintenance day and time. The maintenance scheduled date can only be set when AWS requires maintenance on the flow.
aws mediaconnect update-flow --flow-arn
--maintenance MaintenanceDay='Saturday'
The following example shows the return value when setting the MaintenanceDay, MaintenanceStartHour, and MaintenanceScheduledDate:
{ "Flows": [ { "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b", "Description": "Example flow description", "FlowArn": "arn:aws:mediaconnect:us-east-1:111122223333:flow:2-3aBC45dEF67hiJ8k-2AbC34DE5fGa6:AwardsShow", "Name": "AwardsShow", "SourceType": "OWNED", "Status": "ACTIVE", "Maintenance": { "MaintenanceDay": "Saturday", "MaintenanceDeadline": "2021-10-25T22:15:56Z", "MaintenanceScheduledDate": "2021-10-23", "MaintenanceStartHour": "23:00"} } ] }
The selected day and time are used for all future recurring maintenance events on that flow. Repeat these steps to add or edit additional maintenance windows. After maintenance is complete, the Maintenance status column on the Flows dashboard will display No maintenance required.