Your monthly bill from AWS separates your usage information and cost by AWS service and function. There are several AWS Billing reports available: the monthly report, the cost allocation report, and detailed billing reports. With billing reports, you can also find the total number of Normalized Transcoding Minutes for MediaConvert jobs you were billed for within a billing period. For information about how to see your billing reports, see Viewing Your Bill in the AWS Billing User Guide.
To track your AWS usage and provide estimated charges associated with your account, you can set up AWS Cost and Usage Reports. For more information, see What are AWS Cost and Usage Reports? in the AWS Data Exports Guide.
You can also download a usage report that gives more detail about your MediaConvert usage than the billing reports. For more information, see AWS usage reports for MediaConvert.
For detailed information about MediaConvert usage charges, see MediaConvert Pricing
For information about understanding the codes and abbreviations used in the billing and usage reports for MediaConvert, see Understanding your AWS billing and usage reports for MediaConvert.