How to generate black video - MediaConvert

How to generate black video

In the following steps, you will include Video generator to generate a black video. When you do, also specify a numerical value for Duration in milliseconds from 50 to 86400000. This creates a video input with black frames for that duration without an audio track.

Alternatively, MediaConvert automatically creates black video when the following conditions are met:

  • Your input doesn’t have video. Examples include:

    • Audio-only inputs

    • Captions-only inputs (in sidecar formats)

  • Your output includes a video track.

In the previous examples, the duration of the black video that you generate will match the duration of the input audio or captions.

Generate black video by adding an input with Video generator specified.

  1. In the Input pane, toggle on Video generator.

  2. Specify a value for Duration in milliseconds.

  3. After defining the rest of your job settings, choose Create.

Create a black video track for an audio-only input.

  1. In the Input pane, keep Input file URL blank.

  2. Under Audio selectors, Audio Selector 1, switch on External file.

  3. Enter the URL of your audio input.

    1. If your input has both audio and video, MediaConvert ignores the input video.

  4. Under Audio selectors, specify any other required input audio settings.

  5. See Step 3: Create output groups and Step 4: Create outputs to set up your outputs.

    1. You must include a video track in your output.

    2. You must include an audio track in your output, with Audio source set to the Audio selector specified from step 2, shown previously.

  6. After defining the rest of your job settings, choose Create.

  7. MediaConvert automatically creates black video with the same duration as the input audio selector.

Create a black video track for a captions-only input.

  1. In the Input pane, keep Input file URL blank.

  2. Next to Captions selectors, choose Add captions selector.

  3. In Captions Selector 1, under Source, choose a sidecar captions format.

    1. Non-sidecar captions formats are not supported.

  4. Enter the URL of your captions input.

  5. See Step 3: Create output groups and Step 4: Create outputs to set up your outputs.

    1. You must include a video track in your output.

    2. You must include a captions track in your output, with Captions source set to the Captions selector specified from step 2 above.

  6. After defining the rest of your job settings, choose Create.

  7. MediaConvert automatically creates black video, with the same duration as the input Captions selector.

Video Generator FAQ

Q: What if my job generates black video and I set my output frame rate to Follow source?

If your job does not include any other inputs, there is no input frame rate for MediaConvert to follow. You must specify an output frame rate.

If your job includes any other inputs with video, MediaConvert uses the frame rate from the first video input.

Q: What if my job generates black video I don’t define an output resolution?

If your job does not include any other inputs, there is no input resolution for MediaConvert to follow. Specify an output resolution.

If your job includes any other inputs with video, MediaConvert uses the resolution from the first video input.