Working with job templates - MediaConvert

Working with job templates

Job templates speed up your job setup by providing groups of recommended transcoding settings. Job templates apply to an entire transcoding job; output presets apply to a single output of a transcoding job. For more about output presets, see Presets.

You can use a system job template with settings specified for you, or you can create a custom job template with your own settings. You can create a custom job template from scratch, starting with only the default settings. Or you can duplicate a system job template, adjust it to suit your workflow, and then save it as a custom job template.

Using a job template to create a job

Job templates apply to an entire transcoding job and provide values for settings that stay the same across multiple jobs. You specify the input settings and the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role in the job itself. These values are not saved in the template because they are likely to vary from job to job.

To create a job using a job template
  1. Open the Job templates page in the MediaConvert console.

  2. In the Job templates pane, from the Templates dropdown list, choose Custom job templates or System job templates.


    Custom job templates appear only in the AWS Region where they are created. When you choose Custom job templates, you see only the job templates created in the AWS Region you chose at the beginning of this procedure.

  3. Choose the name of the job template that you want to use.

  4. On the Job template details page, choose Create job.

  5. In the Inputs section of the Job pane, choose Add.

  6. Specify your input video, audio, and captions settings.


    Make sure that you specify your audio and captions selectors in a way that corresponds to the outputs that are specified in the job template.

  7. In the Job settings section of the Job pane, choose Settings.

  8. In the Job settings pane, in the IAM role dropdown list, choose the service role that you created to grant permissions to MediaConvert to access your resources on your behalf. For instructions on creating this role, see Setting up IAM permissions .

Listing and viewing job templates

You can list the system job templates that are included with MediaConvert and the custom job templates that you have added in a AWS Region. You can also view the settings for an individual job template.

To list job templates
  1. Open the Job templates page in the MediaConvert console.

  2. In the Job templates pane, from the Templates dropdown list, choose Custom job templates or System job templates.

  3. If you are viewing system job templates, you can optionally filter the list of​ job templates by category. Do so by choosing from the Category dropdown list.

  4. To display settings for an individual job template, choose the job template name from the list of job templates.

Creating a custom job template

Job templates specify the settings that apply to all outputs of a transcoding job. System job templates have settings that are specified for you; custom job templates have settings that are specified by you or by another user of your AWS account.

You can create a job template by individually specifying the settings for each output. Or you can create a custom preset by specifying a preset for each output's settings, as described in Using output presets.

To create a custom job template
  1. Open the Job templates page in the MediaConvert console.

  2. In the Job templates pane, choose the Create template button.

  3. In the General information pane, specify at a minimum the name of the new job template. Optionally, provide a description and a category.

    These values help you find the custom template later. For more information, see Listing and viewing job templates.

  4. In the Job template pane, add inputs, output groups, outputs, and job-wide settings.

    The procedure for this is the same as described in Configuring jobs in MediaConvert, except that you don't specify the location and file name of your input, and you don't specify the IAM role that the service assumes so that it can access your resources.


    If you set up outputs by referring to output presets, make sure to specify input audio and captions selectors to correspond with any output audio and captions that are specified in the preset. For example, if you use an output preset with three audio tracks that use audio selectors 1, 2, and 3, make sure that the input that you specify has audio selectors 1, 2, and 3.

  5. Choose the Create button at the bottom of the page.

Modifying custom job templates

You can change the settings and field values in your custom job templates. You can't change system job templates, but you can modify the settings in jobs that you start from a system job template, before you create the job.

To modify a custom job template
  1. Open the Job templates page in the MediaConvert console.

  2. Choose the name of the custom job template that you want to modify.

    By default, the Job templates page is filtered to show only custom templates.

  3. On the Job template details page, choose the Update button.

  4. On the Update job template page, adjust the settings in the template, in the same way that you would when setting up a job.

  5. Choose the Update button at the bottom of the Update job template page.

Deleting a custom job template

You can delete any custom job template. You can't delete system job templates.

To delete a job template
  1. Open the Job templates page in the MediaConvert console.

  2. Choose the name of the custom job template that you want to modify.

    By default, the Job templates page is filtered to show only custom templates.

  3. On the Job template details page, choose the Delete button.