Creating and deleting using a batch command - MediaLive

Creating and deleting using a batch command

To create and delete actions in the schedule for a channel, you use the batch update schedule command. This command lets you perform multiple actions in one request. There isn't one command for creating actions and another for deleting actions.


When working with a started and running channel, use the batch-update-schedule command to add or remove actions. Use the delete-schedule command only on idle channels. The delete-schedule command will delete all scheduled actions and could cause service interruptions if used on a live channel.

You can use the command as follows:

  • Submit a single request such as a request to do the following:

    • Create one action.

    • Delete one action.

  • Submit a batch request such as one request to do the following:

    • Create several actions.

    • Delete several actions.

    • Create one or more actions and delete one or more actions.


In a command that combines create actions and delete actions, the delete actions are always performed before the create actions. This means that MediaLive removes the delete actions from the schedule before it adds the create actions to the schedule.