Deactivate overlay action – payload - MediaLive

Deactivate overlay action – payload

For information about the meaning and values for the fields in the following JSON, see the AWS Elemental MediaLive API Reference:

{ "ChannelId": "string", "Creates": { "ScheduleActions": [ { "ScheduleActionStartSettings": { "FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings": { "Time": "string" }, "ImmediateModeScheduleActionStartSettings": { } }, "ActionName": "string", "ScheduleActionSettings": { "StaticImageDeactivateSettings": { "FadeOut": integer, "Layer": integer } } } ] }


This example of a request creates an action to end an image overlay at 20:42:04.000 (UTC) with a 500-millisecond fadeout that is added onto the end time, which means that the overlay will be invisible at 20:42:04.500:

{ "ChannelId": "999999", "Creates": { "ScheduleActions": [ { "ScheduleActionStartSettings": { "FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings": { "Time": "2018-05-21T20:42:04.000Z" } }, "ActionName": "stop-overlay-029", "ScheduleActionSettings": { "StaticImageDeactivateSettings": { "FadeOut": 500, "Layer": 1 } } } ] } }