Input prepare action – payload - MediaLive

Input prepare action – payload

The following sections show the payload for input switch actions.

In this payload, the ScheduleActionStartSettings contains only one of FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings, ImmediateModeScheduleActionStartSettings, or FollowModeScheduleActionStartSettings.

See the examples that follow for samples of each of these tags.

For information about the meaning and values for the fields in the following JSON, see the AWS Elemental MediaLive API Reference:

{ "ChannelId": "string", "Creates": { "ScheduleActions": [ { "ScheduleActionStartSettings": { "FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings": { "Time": "string" }, "FollowModeScheduleActionStartSettings": { "FollowPoint": "enum", "ReferenceActionName": "string" }, "ImmediateModeScheduleActionStartSettings": { } }, "ActionName": "string", "ScheduleActionSettings": { "InputPrepareSettings": { "InputAttachmentNameReference": "string", "InputClippingSettings": { "InputTimecodeSource": "enum", "StartTimecode": { "Timecode": "string" }, "StopTimecode": { "LastFrameClippingBehavior": "enum", "Timecode": "string" } }, "UrlPath": ["string", ...] } } } ] } }

Example of an input prepare with a fixed start time

This example of a request is to switch to a live input at a fixed start time. The switch action is called studio-feed and it switches to the input that is connected to the input attachment called live-studio-feed. It switches to this input at the specified UTC time.

{ "ChannelId": "999999", "Creates": { "ScheduleActions": [ { "ScheduleActionStartSettings": { "FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings": { "Time": "2018-05-21T20:42:19.000Z" } }, "ActionName": "studio-feed", "ScheduleActionSettings": { "InputSwitchSettings": { "InputAttachmentNameReference": "live-studio-feed" } } } ] } }

Example of an input prepare as a follow

This example of a request is to switch to a static file input to follow the end of the previous input. The switch action is called action-ad-003 and it switches to the input that is connected to the input attachment called zel-cafe. It switches to this input when the action called action-ad-002 ends. The file for this action is clipped so that it ends after 30 seconds and 11 frames:

{ "ChannelId": "999999", "Creates": { "ScheduleActions": [ { "ScheduleActionStartSettings": { "FollowModeScheduleActionStartSettings": { "FollowPoint": "END", "ReferenceActionName": "action-ad-002" } }, "ActionName": "action-ad-003", "ScheduleActionSettings": { "InputSwitchSettings": { "InputAttachmentNameReference": "zel-cafe", "InputClippingSettings": { "InputTimecodeSource": "ZEROBASED", "StopTimecode":{ "Timecode": "00:00:30:11", "LastFrameClippingBehavior": "INCLUDE_LAST_FRAME" } } } } } ] } }