Complete general settings
The General settings section lets you configure global settings and global features:
Global settings set behavior that applies to all inputs or all outputs in the channel. You can't configure the behavior differently for different inputs or outputs.
Global features set up features that are optional but that apply globally to all outputs if they are enabled.
To complete the general settings
On the Create channel page, choose General settings.
In the General channel settings section, set the global settings and optional features as needed. For information about each setting or feature, see the topics at the end of this procedure.
When you have finished working with these fields, go to the next step.
Avail blanking
Optional feature. You can set this to blank out the output video during ad avails. For more information, see SCTE-35 message processing.
Avail configuration
Optional feature. You can modify the way that MediaLive handles SCTE-35 ad avail messages, or you can keep the default behavior. For information about the default behavior and how to modify that behavior, see SCTE-35 message processing.
Blackout slate
Optional feature. You can black out the output video as specified by program metadata, if that metadata is present in the input. For more information, see SCTE-35 message processing.
Feature activations
Optional features. You can enable the input prepare feature for input switching. For more information, see Preparing inputs in AWS Elemental MediaLive.
Global configuration
Global configuration settings. In this section, complete the first three fields as appropriate. For details about each field, choose the Info link next to the field.
Global configuration – input loss behavior
Global configuration settings. The Input Loss Behavior fields control how MediaLive handles input loss. You can customize the handling. For more information, see Handling loss of video input.
Motion graphics configuration
Optional feature. You can enable the motion graphics overlay feature. For more information, see Working with motion graphics overlays.
Nielsen configuration
Optional feature. You can configure a MediaLive channel to convert Nielsen watermarks to ID3 metadata. For more information see Converting Nielsen watermarks to ID3.
Timecode configuration
Global configuration settings. This section lets you specify the timecode for the output. For more information about configuring the timecode, see Timecodes.
Optional feature. You can enable logging of activity on this individual channel. For detailed information about this feature, see Monitoring a channel using Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
To enable logging, choose a log level other than DISABLED. The levels are listed from least to most verbose.
To disable logging, choose DISABLED.