Editing an input security group - MediaLive

Editing an input security group

You can edit any of the fields in an input security group. You can perform these edits at any time, even if the input security group is attached to an input that is attached to a channel that is running.

To edit an input security group
  1. Open the MediaLive console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/medialive/.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Input Security Groups.

  3. On the Input security groups page, choose the input security group, and then choose Edit.

  4. Change any fields as appropriate, and then choose Update.

    Wait for the input security State to return to In use or Idle before performing another action with this input security group.

To add, delete, or edit tags in an input security group
  1. Open the MediaLive console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/medialive/.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Input Security Groups.

  3. On the Input security groups page, choose the name of the input security group. Do not choose Edit.

  4. On the Input security group page for this input security group, in the Tags section, add or delete tags. To edit the value of an existing tag, delete the tag and add it again. For more information, see Tagging AWS Elemental MediaLive resources.

    Wait for the input security State to return to In use or Idle before performing another action with this input security group.