The syntax for the paths for the outputs - MediaLive

The syntax for the paths for the outputs

An HLS output always includes three categories of files:

See the following sections.

  • The main manifest

  • The child manifests

  • The media files

The following table describes the parts that make up the destination paths for these three categories of files.

The destination paths for these three categories of files are identical up to and including the baseFilename, which means thatMediaLive sends all these categories of files to the same folder. The modifiers and file extensions are different for each category of file. When sending to MediaPackage, you must send all the files to the same folder. The downstream systems expect all the files to be together.

File Syntax of the path Example
Main manifest files protocol channelURL extension

The path for output. Here is an example that uses MediaPackage v2

Child manifest files protocol channelURL nameModifier extension Here is an example for the path for the child manifest for the high-resolution renditions of the curling output (in a destination that uses MediaPackage v2):

Media files (segments) protocol channelURL nameModifier optionalSegmentModifier counter extension

Here is an example for the path for the file for the 230th segment (in a destination that uses MediaPackage v2):

These paths are constructed as follows:

  • The MediaPackage user should have provided you with the channel URLs. The URLs cover the portion of the path up to and including the baseFilename:

    • With standard MediaPackage, the baseFilename is always channel.

    • With MediaPackage v2, the baseFilename is always index.

  • You must specify the following:

    • The modifier

    • The segmentModifier

    See the sections that follow.

  • MediaLive inserts the underscore before the counter.

  • MediaLive generates the counter, which is always five digits starting at 00001.

  • MediaLive inserts the dot before the extension.

  • MediaLive selects the extension:

    • For manifest files – always .m3u8

    • For media files – .ts for files in a transport stream, or .mp4 for files in an fMP4 container