Characteristics for video and audio sources - MediaLive

Characteristics for video and audio sources


MediaLive only ingests landscape video. If a video source is configured as portrait, MediaLive will ingest it but will rotate it to landscape.

Input frame rate

MediaLive only supports constant frame rate (CFR) inputs. It does not support variable frame rates (VFR).

Other characteristics

Container Video characteristics Audio characteristics
CDI—MediaLive only supports these characteristics for CDI inputs.
  • Uncompressed YCbCr 4:2:2 8-bit

  • Uncompressed YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit

  • 24-bit Big-Endian PCM

  • Mono (1.0), Dual mono (2.0), Stereo (2.0), 5.1, 7.1

  • 222, SGRP

  • 48kHz, 96 kHz