Setup: Creating inputs - MediaLive

Setup: Creating inputs

This section describes how to create inputs for the content sources for a MediaLivechannel. You must create these inputs before you start to create the channel.

To create an input, you must perform these steps:

  • You must arrange for the operator at the upstream system to perform some setup.

  • You must create inputs in MediaLive.

These two steps create a connection between an address on the upstream system and an address on AWS Elemental MediaLive. The source content moves from the specified address on the upstream system to the specified address on MediaLive as either a push by the upstream system or a pull by MediaLive. The connection information is contained in the input that you create.

The setup you perform is different for each combination of upstream system (format and delivery protocol) and input type. If you haven't already done so, you must identify the upstream system and input type for each content source. See Step 4: Assess the upstream system .