Workflow monitor's recommended templates are a curated selection of AWS Elemental service metrics with predefined alarm settings appropriate for the metric. If you do not want to create customized alarm templates, recommended templates provide you with best-practice monitoring templates that are created by AWS.
Workflow monitor contains recommended template groups for each supported service. These groups are designed to apply best-practice monitoring to specific types of workflows. Each template group contains a curated selection of alarms configured from service-specific metrics. For example, a recommended template group for a MediaLive multiplex workflow will have a different set of preconfigured metrics than a MediaConnect CDI workflow.
To use recommended alarm templates
Follow the steps to create an alarm template group, or select an existing one.
In the Alarm templates section, select Import. You will need to import the AWS recommended templates into your template group.
Use the CloudWatch alarm template groups dropdown to select an AWS recommended group. These groups contain curated alarms for specific services.
Select the templates to import using the check boxes. Each template will list its metrics, preconfigured monitoring values, and provide a description of the metric. When you are done selecting templates, select the Add button.
The selected templates will move to the Alarm template(s) to import section. Review your choices and select Import.
After the import is complete, the selected templates will be added to the template group. If you want to add more templates, repeat the import process.
Imported templates can be customized after import. Alarm settings can be modified to fit your alarming needs.