JSON for a state change event - MediaLive

JSON for a state change event

Events that are based on a change of state in a channel or multiplex are identified by their detail-type property:

  • MediaLive Channel State Change for a channel

  • MediaLive Multiplex State Change for a multiplex.


Following is an example of the JSON payload for a state change event. Note the detail-type in line 3.

{ "version": "0", "id": "fbcbbbe3-2541-d4a3-d819-x39f522a8ce", "detail-type": "MediaLive Channel State Change", "source": "aws.medialive", "account": "111122223333", "time": "2023-03-08T18:40:59Z", "region": "us-west-2", "resources": [ "arn:aws:medialive:us-west-2:111122223333:channel:283886" ], "detail": { "channel_arn": "arn:aws:medialive:us-west-2:111122223333:channel:123456", "state": "DELETED", "message": "Deleted channel", "pipelines_running_count": 0 } }