Example of a plan for output encodes - MediaLive

Example of a plan for output encodes

After you have performed this procedure, you should have information that looks like this example.

Output group Type of encode Encode nickname

Characteristics of the encode

HLS Video VideoA

AVC 1920x1080, 5 Mbps


AVC 1280x720, 3 Mbps

VideoC AVC 320x240, 750 Kbps
Audio AudioA AAC 2.0 in English at 192000 bps
AudioB AAC 2.0 in French at 192000 bps
Captions CaptionsA

WebVTT (object-style) converted from embedded, in English

CaptionsB WebVTT (object-style) converted from embedded, in French
RTMP Video VideoD AVC 1920x1080, 5Mbps
Audio AudioC Dolby Digital 5.1 in Spanish
Captions CaptionsC RTMP CaptionInfo (converted from embedded) in Spanish
Archive Video VideoE AVC, 1920x1080, 8.5 Mbps
Audio AudioD Dolby Digital 2.0 in Spanish
AudioE Dolby Digital 2.0 in French
AudioF Dolby Digital 2.0 in English
Captions CaptionsD DVB-Sub (object-style) converted from Teletext, in 6 languages