Create an RTP input - MediaLive

Create an RTP input

After you have created the input security group, you can create the RTP push input.

To create an RTP push input
  1. Make sure that you have the information from step 1.

  2. Open the MediaLive console at

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Inputs. On the Inputs page, choose Create input.

  4. Complete the Input details section:

    • Input name – enter a name.

    • Input type – choose RTP.

  5. In the Network mode section, choose Public.

  6. In the Input security group section, specify a group to attach to this push input. You can choose an existing group, or you can create a group. For more information about security groups, see Working with input security groups. The security group must allow the public network IP addresses to push to MediaLive. Following from the example in step 1, it must allow these addresses:,,,,,

    For more information about security groups, see Working with input security groups.

  7. In the Tags section, create tags if you want to associate tags with this input. For more information, see Tagging resources.

  8. Choose Create.

    MediaLive creates the input and automatically creates two endpoints on that input. These endpoints include the port 5000. For example:

    Note that the IP addresses are addresses that MediaLive creates. They aren't the public addresses that you used in the security group. For a diagram that shows the role of all the IP addresses, see Result of this procedure in the section about setting up an RTP push source.

    MediaLive always creates two endpoints:

    • If you will set up the channel as a standard channel, both endpoints will be used.

    • If you will set up the channel as a single-pipeline channel, only the first endpoint will be used. MediaLive won't expect to receive content at the second endpoint.

  9. Provide the upstream system with the following information:

    • If you will set up the channel as a standard channel, provide both locations. The upstream system must push the video streams to these locations.

    • If you will set up the channel as a single-pipeline channel, provide only the first location. The upstream system must push its one stream to this location.

    For example, provide these addresses:

Result of this procedure

As a result of this setup, an RTP push input exists that specifies two URLs. These URLs are fixed for the lifetime of the input, regardless of changes that occur (such as modifying other information in the input, or attaching the input to a different channel).

The upstream system pushes the source content to these endpoints.

Keep in mind that with a push input, the upstream system must be pushing the video source to the input when you start the channel. The upstream system does not need to be pushing before then.

For a description of this setup that includes a diagram, see Result of this procedure in the section about setting up an RTP source.