Step 1: Request setup on the VPC - MediaLive

Step 1: Request setup on the VPC

An Amazon VPC user must set up the VPC, and identify subnets and security groups that the upstream system and MediaLive will use.

To set up the VPC
  1. Provide the Amazon VPC user with the following guidelines.

    • Guideline for the subnets – Request two subnets.

      These rules apply:

      • You need two subnets because an RTP input is always a standard-class input, even if your channel is a single-pipeline channel. For information about input classes, see Channel class and input class.

      • The two subnets must be in different Availability Zones.

      • Each subnet must have a private CIDR block (a range of IP addresses).

      • Each subnet must have at least two unused addresses in that block—one for the upstream system and one for the RTP input.

      • Any other VPC-based sources (source B) that you create for use in the same channel as this RTP source (source A) must be in subnets that are in the same Availability Zones as source A. The two subnets of the source B can be different from the source A, but the Availability Zones of those two subnets must be the same as the Availability Zones of source A.

    • Guideline for the security group – The security group or groups for each subnet must follow these rules:

      • The combined rules of the security groups must allow inbound traffic from the IP addresses of the upstream system in that subnet.

      • The combined rules of the security groups must allow outbound traffic to port 5000.

  2. After the Amazon VPC user has performed the setup, obtain the following information:

    • The ID of the VPC. For example: vpc-3f139646

    • The IDs of the two subnets. For example, one subnet might have this ID: subnet-1122aabb

    • The IDs of the security groups for the subnets. For example: sg-51530134