Monitoring AWS media services with
workflow monitor
Workflow monitor is a tool for the discovery, visualization, and monitoring of AWS media workflows. Workflow monitor is available in the AWS console and API. You can use workflow monitor to discover and create visual mappings of your workflow's resources, called signal maps. You can create and manage Amazon CloudWatch alarm and Amazon EventBridge rule templates to monitor the mapped resources. The monitoring templates you create are transformed into deployable AWS CloudFormation templates to allow repeatability. AWS recommended alarm templates provide predefined best-practice monitoring.
Utilize signal maps to automatically discover interconnected AWS resources associated with your media workflow. Discovery can begin at any supported service resource and creates an end-to-end mapping of the workflow. Signal maps can be used as stand-alone visualization tools or enhanced with monitoring templates.

You can create custom CloudWatch alarm and EventBridge rule templates to monitor the health and status of your media workflows. Best practice alarm templates are available to import into your workflow monitor environment. You can use the best practice alarm templates as they are, or edit them to better fit your workflow. Any templates you create are transformed into AWS CloudFormation templates for repeatable deployment.

There is no direct cost for using workflow monitor. However, there are costs associated with the resources created and used to monitor your workflow.
When monitoring is deployed, Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon EventBridge resources are created. When
using the AWS Management Console, prior to deploying monitoring to a signal map,
you will be notified of how many resources will be created. For more information
about pricing, see: CloudWatch
Workflow monitor uses AWS CloudFormation templates to deploy the CloudWatch and EventBridge resources. These templates are stored in a
standard class Amazon Simple Storage Service bucket that is created on your behalf, by workflow monitor, during the deployment process and will incur object storage and recall charges.
For more information about pricing, see: Amazon S3 pricing
Previews generated in the workflow monitor signal map for AWS Elemental MediaPackage channels are
delivered from the MediaPackage Origin Endpoint and will incur Data Transfer Out charges.
For pricing, see: MediaPackage
Components of workflow monitor
Workflow monitor has four major components:
CloudWatch alarm templates - Define the conditions you would like to monitor using CloudWatch. You can create your own alarm templates, or import predefined templates created by AWS. For more information, see: CloudWatch alarm groups and templates for monitoring your AWS media workflow
EventBridge rule templates - Define how EventBridge sends notifications when an alarm is triggered. For more information, see: EventBridge rule groups and templates for monitoring your AWS media workflow
Signal maps - Use an automated process to create AWS Elemental workflow maps using existing AWS resources. The signal maps can be used to discover resources in your workflow and deploy monitoring to those resources. For more information, see: Workflow monitor signal maps
Overview - The overview page allows you to directly monitor the status of multiple signal maps from one location. Review metrics, logs, and alarms for your workflows. For more information, see: Workflow monitor overview
Supported services
Workflow monitor supports automatic discovery and signal mapping of resources associated with the following services:
AWS Elemental MediaConnect
AWS Elemental MediaLive
AWS Elemental MediaPackage
AWS Elemental MediaTailor
Amazon S3
Amazon CloudFront