Deleting a packaging configuration - AWS Elemental MediaPackage

Deleting a packaging configuration

To remove a playback endpoint from an asset, delete the packaging configuration.

To delete a packaging configuration, you can use the AWS Elemental MediaPackage console, the AWS CLI, or the MediaPackage API. For information about deleting a packaging configuration with the AWS CLI or MediaPackage API, see Packaging_configurations id in the AWS Elemental MediaPackage VOD API Reference.

To delete a packaging configuration (console)
  1. Open the MediaPackage console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Video on demand, choose Packaging groups.

  3. On the Packaging groups page, choose the group that contains the configuration that you're deleting.

  4. On the details page for the packaging group, under Packaging configurations, choose either the packaging configuration ID of the configuration that you're deleting and choose Delete or choose Manage configurations, Actions, Delete.

  5. On the Delete packaging configurations page, choose Delete.