Regions for MediaPackage
To reduce latency in your applications, MediaPackage offers a regional endpoint for your requests. To view the list of AWS Regions where MediaPackage is available, see MediaPackage Regions.
AWS opt-in Regions
Although most AWS Regions are active by default for your AWS account, certain Regions are activated only when you manually select them. This document refers to those Regions as opt-in Regions. In contrast, Regions that are active by default, as soon as your AWS account is created, are referred to as commercial Regions, or simply, Regions.
The term opt-in has a historical basis. Any AWS Regions introduced after March 20, 2019 are considered to be opt-in Regions. Opt-in Regions have higher security requirements than commercial Regions, regarding the sharing of IAM data through accounts that are active in opt-in Regions. All of the data managed through the IAM service is considered identity data, including users, groups, roles, policies, identity providers, their associated data (for example, X.509 signing certificates or context-specific credentials), and other account-level settings, such as password policy and the account alias.
You can activate opt-in Regions automatically during channel setup, by selecting them. Your channel becomes active in all selected Regions.
If you choose to select an opt-in Region as for your MediaPackage resources, enable it first by following the steps in Enabling a Region, when signed in to the AWS Management Console.
MediaPackage is available in the following AWS opt-in Regions:
Middle East (UAE) Region, me-central-1
Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Region, ap-south-2
Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Region, ap-southeast-4