Deleting an object - AWS Elemental MediaStore

End of support notice: On November 13, 2025, AWS will discontinue support for AWS Elemental MediaStore. After November 13, 2025, you will no longer be able to access the MediaStore console or MediaStore resources. For more information, visit this blog post.

Deleting an object

You can delete objects individually using the console or the AWS CLI. Alternatively, you can add an object lifecycle policy to automatically delete objects after they reach a certain age in a container, or you can empty a container to delete all objects within that container.


When you delete the only object in a folder, AWS Elemental MediaStore automatically deletes the folder and any empty folders above that folder. For example, suppose that you have a folder named premium that doesn’t contain any files but does contain one subfolder named canada. The canada subfolder contains one file named mlaw.ts. If you delete the file mlaw.ts, the service deletes both the premium and canada folders.

To delete an object (console)
  1. Open the MediaStore console at

  2. On the Containers page, choose the name of the container that has the object that you want to delete.

  3. If the object that you want to delete is in a folder, continue choosing the folder names until you see the object.

  4. Choose the option to the left of the object name.

  5. Choose Delete.

To delete an object (AWS CLI)
  • In the AWS CLI, use the delete-object command.


    aws mediastore-data --region us-west-2 delete-object --endpoint= --path=/folder_name/

    This command has no return value.