Integrating with MediaPackage endpoints that use CDN authorization - AWS Elemental MediaTailor

Integrating with MediaPackage endpoints that use CDN authorization

If you use AWS Elemental MediaPackage as your source location origin, MediaTailor can integrate with MediaPackage endpoints that use CDN authorization.

To integrate with a MediaPackage endpoint that uses CDN authorization, use the following procedure.

To integrate with MediaPackage
  1. Complete the steps in Setting up CDN authorization in the AWS Elemental MediaPackage User Guide, if you haven't already.

  2. Complete the procedure in Step 1: Create an AWS KMS symmetric customer managed key.

  3. Modify the secret that you created when you set up MediaPackage CDN authorization. Modify the secret with the following values:

    • Update the KmsKeyId with the customer managed key ARN that you created in Step 1: Create an AWS KMS symmetric customer managed key.

    • (Optional) For the SecretString, you can either rotate the UUID to a new value, or you can use the existing encrypted secret as long as it's a key and value pair in a standard JSON format, such as {"MediaPackageCDNIdentifier": "112233445566778899"}.

  4. Complete the steps in Attaching a resource-based secret policy.

  5. Complete the steps in Step 3: Configure a MediaTailor source location with access token authentication.