Modifying a MemoryDB cluster - Amazon MemoryDB

Modifying a MemoryDB cluster

In addition to adding or removing nodes from a cluster, there can be times where you need to make other changes to an existing cluster, such as adding a security group, changing the maintenance window or a parameter group.

We recommend that you have your maintenance window fall at the time of lowest usage. Thus it might need modification from time to time.

When you change a cluster's parameters, the change is applied to the cluster immediately. This is true whether you change the cluster's parameter group itself or a parameter value within the cluster's parameter group.

You can also update your clusters' engine version. For example, you can select a new engine minor version and MemoryDB will start updating your cluster immediately.

To modify a cluster
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the MemoryDB console at

  2. From the list in the upper-right corner, choose the AWS Region where the cluster that you want to modify is located.

  3. From the left navigation, go to Clusters. From Clusters detail, select the cluster using the radio button and go to Actions and then Modify.

  4. The Modify page appears.

  5. In the Modify window, make the modifications that you want. Options include:

    • Description

    • Subnet groups

    • VPC Security Group(s)

    • Node type


      If the cluster is using a node type from the r6gd family, you can only choose a different node size from within that family. If you choose a node type from the r6gd family, data tiering will automatically be enabled. For more information, see Data tiering.

    • Redis OSS version compatibility

    • Enable Automatic snapshots

    • Snapshot Retention Period

    • Snapshot Window

    • Maintenance window

    • Topic for SNS Notification

  6. Choose Save changes.

You can also go to the Cluster details page and click on modify to make modifications to the cluster. If you want to modify specific sections of the cluster, you can go to the respective tab in the Cluster details page and click Modify.

You can modify an existing cluster using the AWS CLI update-cluster operation. To modify a cluster's configuration value, specify the cluster's ID, the parameter to change and the parameter's new value. The following example changes the maintenance window for a cluster named my-cluster and applies the change immediately.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws memorydb update-cluster \ --cluster-name my-cluster \ --preferred-maintenance-window sun:23:00-mon:02:00

For Windows:

aws memorydb update-cluster ^ --cluster-name my-cluster ^ --preferred-maintenance-window sun:23:00-mon:02:00

For more information, see update-cluster in the AWS CLI Command Reference.

You can modify an existing cluster using the MemoryDB API UpdateCluster operation. To modify a cluster's configuration value, specify the cluster's ID, the parameter to change and the parameter's new value. The following example changes the maintenance window for a cluster named my-cluster and applies the change immediately. ?Action=UpdateCluster &ClusterName=my-cluster &PreferredMaintenanceWindow=sun:23:00-mon:02:00 &SignatureVersion=4 &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &Timestamp=20210801T220302Z &X-Amz-Algorithm=Amazon4-HMAC-SHA256 &X-Amz-Date=20210802T220302Z &X-Amz-SignedHeaders=Host &X-Amz-Expires=20210801T220302Z &X-Amz-Credential=<credential> &X-Amz-Signature=<signature>