Replication server instance type - Application Migration Service

Replication server instance type

Choose the Replication server instance type. This will determine the instance type and size that will be used for the launch of each replication server.

Dropdown menu for selecting replication server instance type, with m5.xlarge option shown.

The best practice is to not change the default replication server instance type unless there is a business need for doing so.

By default, AWS Application Migration Service utilizes the t3.small instance type. This is the most cost effective instance type and should work well for most common workloads. You can change the replication server instance type to speed up the initial sync of data from your source servers to AWS. Changing the instance type will likely lead to increased compute costs.

You can change the Replication server instance type according to your preferences. The drop-down menu contains all available instance types. Recommended and commonly used instance types are displayed first.

You can search for a specific instance type within the search box.

The replication server instance type can be changed for servers that are replicating too slowly or servers that are constantly busy or experience frequent spikes. These are the most common instance type changes that are made:

  • Servers with less than 26 disks – Change the instance type to m5.large. Increase the instance type to m5.xlarge or higher as needed.

  • Servers with more than 26 disks (or servers in AWS Regions that do not support m5 instance types) – Change the instance type to m4.large. Increase to m4.xlarge or higher, as needed.

  • Changing the replication server instance type will not affect data replication. Data replication will automatically continue from where it left off, using the new instance type you selected.

  • By default, replication servers are automatically assigned a public IP address from Amazon's public IP space.

  • Replication Servers are only supported on x86_64 CPU architecture instance types.