How to use the network diagram in Migration Hub - AWS Migration Hub

How to use the network diagram in Migration Hub

This section describes how to use the network diagram in Migration Hub.

To use the network diagram
  1. In the navigation pane, under Discover, choose Servers.

  2. To view details about the server, choose the hostname of the server from the Server info column. The server's detail page displays information about the server, such as hostname, IP address, performance metrics, and so on.

  3. Choose Network. The icon for the server you choose is centered in the network diagram. Connections fan out from the center server to servers that are directly connected to the server you choose.

The network diagram console is divided into three panes: toolbar, diagram, and the server detail/selected server list pane.

The following topics describe the network diagram console panes.


Choosing an icon on the toolbar performs an action or opens a pane with more choices. Only one of these panes can be open at any one time.

The toolbar icons are described in the following table.

Icon Name Description


To change your settings, choose .


To filter server connections, choose and then clear the check box next to each port number that you do not want to display connections for.

Zoom in

To zoom in on the diagram, choose .

Zoom out

To zoom out, choose .

Zoom to fit

To zoom to fit the entire diagram in the current view, choose .

View full screen

To view the diagram full screen, choose .


This section describes the icons used in the diagram to show network server nodes and how to interact with the diagram.

Diagram Icons

The icons used in the diagram are shown in the following table.

Icon Name Description


Represents a server that is running a discovery agent that is part of your network.

To view details about a server, right-click and then choose View server details.

To select a server for a group application, right-click and then choose Select Server.

Selected Server

Represents a server that you selected for group application.

To deselect a server, choose and then choose Unselect server in the server details pane.

To select a server for a group application, right-click and then choose Select Server.

Server with application label

Represents a server that belongs to a group application. The name of the application is displayed under the server icon. The names of all the applications the server belongs to are displayed.

Server without agent

Represents a server in your network that doesn't have Discovery Agent installed.

To view details about the server, choose .

Plus sign on upper right corner of server icon

Minus sign on upper right corner of server icon

Represents that the server has servers connected to it that aren't shown in the diagram. To expand the network from the server node, choose on the server icon.

To collapse the network back to the server node, choose on the server icon.

Adding a server to a diagram

You can search for servers to add to the diagram by searching by hostname or by IP address. You'll get results after adding your search criteria and pressing Enter.

To search for servers to add to the network diagram
  1. Choose the search icon on the toolbar, and then choose Hostname or IP address.

  2. Type the criteria for your search in the search box.

    For example, to search for servers that contain IAM in their hostname, enter IAM. Or, enter 0.0.0. to search for servers that contain 0.0.0. in their IP address.

  3. From the result, select the servers to add to the diagram, and then choose + to add them to the diagram.

Interacting with the diagram

You can interact with the diagram in the following ways:

  • To pan around, choose and drag on empty areas in the diagram.

  • To zoom in and out, scroll up and down, respectively.

  • To highlight all the connections to and from a server on the diagram, hover over a server icon.

  • To see a server's details in the server detail pane, choose a server icon.

    • Inbound ports only shows ports that are being opened on the server.

    • Outbound ports aren't displayed.

    • Hovering over a port highlights all the connections that open that port on the diagram.

  • Hold shift and choose servers to select them for grouping applications or other actions.

Server details and selected server list

Server details and the list of selected servers share the pane right of the diagram. You can toggle back and forth between the server details view and the selected server list view by choosing the server icon.

To see details about a server on the diagram, choose the server icon. Details about the server display in the pane to the right of the diagram.

You can use the following options to select servers from the network diagram:

  • On the network diagram, choose a server node icon. Details about the server show in the server details pane, where you choose Select server.

  • On the network diagram, open the context (right-click) menu on the server node icon, and then choose Select server from the dropdown list.

  • Choose Select all to select all the servers for grouping that are in your diagram. Only the servers with the Discovery Agent running on them are selected.

  • Hold shift to select multiple servers at the same time.

Selected servers are shown in a list in the same pane as the server details. You can toggle back and forth between the server details view and the selected server list view by choosing the server icon.

After you select one or more servers, you can create an application, or add to an existing one, by choosing Group as application. You can add a descriptive tag to the selected servers by choosing Add tag from the Actions menu. Doing so shows a dialog box where you can type a value for Key, and optionally a value for Value. For more information, see Step 3: Group servers as applications.