Send data to the MSK cluster - Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka

Send data to the MSK cluster

In this step you send data to the Apache Kafka topic that you created earlier, and then look for that same data in the destination S3 bucket.

To send data to the MSK cluster
  1. In the bin folder of the Apache Kafka installation on the client instance, create a text file named with the following contents.

  2. Run the following command to create a console producer. Replace BootstrapBrokerString with the value that you obtained when you ran the previous command.

    <path-to-your-kafka-installation>/bin/ --broker-list BootstrapBrokerString --producer.config --topic mkc-tutorial-topic
  3. Enter any message that you want, and press Enter. Repeat this step two or three times. Every time you enter a line and press Enter, that line is sent to your Apache Kafka cluster as a separate message.

  4. Look in the destination Amazon S3 bucket to find the messages that you sent in the previous step.