Produce and consume messages using authentication
This process describes how to produce and consume messages using authentication.
Run the following command to create a topic. The file named
is the one you created in the previous procedure.<path-to-your-kafka-installation>
/bin/ --create --bootstrap-serverBootstrapBroker-String
--replication-factor 3 --partitions 1 --topic ExampleTopic --command-config -
Run the following command to start a console producer. The file named
is the one you created in the previous procedure.<path-to-your-kafka-installation>
/bin/ --bootstrap-serverBootstrapBroker-String
--topic ExampleTopic --producer.config -
In a new command window on your client machine, run the following command to start a console consumer.
/bin/ --bootstrap-serverBootstrapBroker-String
--topic ExampleTopic --consumer.config -
Type messages in the producer window and watch them appear in the consumer window.