By default, the neptune_dfe_query_engine
instance parameter of an instance is set to viaQueryHint
, which causes
the DFE engine to be used only for openCypher queries and for Gremlin and SPARQL queries
that explicitly include the useDFE
query hint set to true
You can fully enable the DFE engine so that it is used wherever possible by setting
the neptune_dfe_query_engine
instance parameter to enabled
You can also disable the DFE by including the useDFE
query hint
for a particular Gremlin query or
SPARQL query. This query hint lets
you prevent the DFE from executing that particular query.
You can determine whether or not the DFE is enabled in an instance using an Instance Status call, like this:
curl -G https://
The status response then specifies whether the DFE is enabled or not:
"startTime":"Wed Dec 29 02:29:24 UTC 2021",
The Gremlin explain
and profile
results tell you
whether a query is being executed by the DFE. See Information contained in a Gremlin explain report for explain
and DFE profile reports
for profile
Similarly, SPARQL explain
tells you whether a SPARQL query is being
executed by the DFE. See Example of SPARQL explain output when the DFE is enabled
and DFENode operator
for more details.