Updating a AWS Network Firewall logging configuration - AWS Network Firewall

Updating a AWS Network Firewall logging configuration

To update your firewall's logging configuration through the Network Firewall AWS Management Console, use the procedure in this section. For the API, see the Network Firewall API action, UpdateLoggingConfiguration.


Firewall logging is only available for traffic that you forward to the stateful rules engine. You forward traffic to the stateful engine through stateless rule actions and stateless default actions in the firewall policy. For information about these actions settings, see Firewall policy settings in AWS Network Firewall and Defining rule actions in AWS Network Firewall.

To update a firewall's logging configuration through the console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon VPC console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/vpc/.

  2. In the navigation pane, under Network Firewall, choose Firewalls.

  3. In the Firewalls page, choose the name of the firewall that you want to edit. This takes you to the firewall's details page.

  4. Choose the tab Firewall details, then in the Logging section, choose Edit.

  5. Adjust the Log type selections as needed. To disable logging for a firewall, deselect all options.

    • Flow – Sends logs for all network traffic that the stateless engine forwards to the stateful rules engine.

    • Alert – Sends logs for traffic that matches any stateful rule whose action is set to Alert, Drop, or Reject. For more information about stateful rules and rule groups, see Rule groups in AWS Network Firewall.

    • TLS – Sends logs for events related to TLS inspection. Network Firewall currently logs failures in certificate revocation checks for outbound traffic and TLS errors.

      These logs require the firewall to be configured for TLS inspection. For more information, see Inspecting SSL/TLS traffic with TLS inspection configurations in AWS Network Firewall.

  6. For each selected log type, choose the destination type, then provide the information for the logging destination that you prepared following the guidance in Firewall logging destinations.

    In order to change the destination for an existing Log type, you must first disable logging for the policy. Then, edit the policy and specify the new destination(s) for the Log type.

  7. Choose Save to save your changes and return to the firewall's detail page.