AWS Cloud WAN example: Two segments and multiple AWS Regions - AWS Network Manager

AWS Cloud WAN example: Two segments and multiple AWS Regions

This policy sets up two networks, Secured and Non-Secured, across three AWS Regions. Attachments with the tag "Network" : "Secured" map to "Secured", while attachments with the tag "Network" : "Non-Secured" map to "Non-Secured". All attachments require acceptance. Attachments can only talk within their segment but not across segments.

{ "version": "2021.12", "core-network-configuration": { "asn-ranges": ["64512-65534"], "edge-locations": [ {"location": "us-east-1"}, {"location": "us-east-2"}, {"location": "eu-west-1"} ] }, "segments": [ {"name": "secured"}, {"name": "nonSecured"} ], "attachment-policies": [ { "rule-number": 100, "conditions": [{ "type": "tag-value", "key": "Network", "value": "Secured", "operator": "equals" }], "action": { "association-method": "constant", "segment": "secured" } }, { "rule-number": 200, "conditions": [{ "type": "tag-value", "key": "Network", "value": "Non-Secured", "operator": "equals" }], "action": { "association-method": "constant", "segment": "non-secured" } } ] }