Nimble Studio File Transfer 2.5.0 release notes - March 7, 2024 - Nimble Studio File Transfer

Nimble Studio File Transfer 2.5.0 release notes - March 7, 2024

This page contains the release notes for Nimble Studio File Transfer 2.5.0.

Major updates

  • Added new feature for bandwidth throttling to control the target speed at which File Transfer transfers files.

  • Added support for S3 Access Points / S3 VPC Endpoints.

  • Added feature to enable resubmitting previously initiated jobs.

  • Added an exit prompt that allows the daemon to continue running and maintain file transfers or active hot folders while GUI is closed.

  • Added right-click menu features to create child folders, delete/rename files, and set a navigation starting directory for both Local and S3 file browsers.

  • Added right-click menu features to configure hot folders and open files in the Local file browser.

  • Added the ability to manage file actions by the administrator. Please refer to documentation for more information.

  • Checksumming files when uploading can now be disabled.

  • Checksumming will be disabled on newly created Remote Configurations. This can be managed for each Remote Configuration.

  • File Transfer now reports checksumming progress.

  • Added more descriptive job statuses to better reflect the current state of transfers.

  • File Transfer no longer supports symlinks as they are unsupported by S3

  • Windows only: Added a new helper application to launch the Windows daemon.

  • Windows only: File Transfer now supports paths longer than 260 characters when LongPathsEnabled is set in the Windows registry.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where items selected in one file browser would get deselected when using the other file browser.

  • Fixed a display issue with the navigation breadcrumbs.

Known issues

Linux only: Exporting a Bucket report using the .xlsx file format may result in an unexpected filename.