Creating import jobs for HealthOmics annotation stores - AWS HealthOmics

Creating import jobs for HealthOmics annotation stores

Creating an annotation import job using the API

The following example shows how to use the AWS CLI to start an annotation import job.

aws omics start-annotation-import-job \ --destination-name myannostore \ --version-name myannostore \ --role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/roleName \ --items source=s3://my-omics-bucket/sample.vcf.gz --annotation-fields '{"VEP": "CSQ"}'

Annotation stores created before May 15, 2023 return an error message if the annotation-fields is included. They don't return output for any API operations involved with annotation store import jobs.

You can then use the get-annotation-import-job API operation and the job ID parameter to learn more details about the annotation import job.

aws omics get-annotation-import-job --job-id 9e4198fb-fa85-446c-9301-9b823a1a8ba8

You receive the following response, including the annotation fields.

{ "creationTime": "2023-04-11T19:09:25.049767+00:00", "destinationName": "parsingannotationstore", "versionName": "parsingannotationstore", "id": "9e4198fb-fa85-446c-9301-9b823a1a8ba8", "items": [ { "jobStatus": "COMPLETED", "source": "s3://my-omics-bucket/sample.vep.vcf" } ], "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::55555555555:role/roleName", "runLeftNormalization": false, "status": "COMPLETED", "updateTime": "2023-04-11T19:13:09.110130+00:00", "annotationFields" : {"VEP": "CSQ"} }

To view all annotation store import jobs, use list-annotation-import-jobs .

aws omics list-annotation-import-jobs --ids 9e4198fb-fa85-446c-9301-9b823a1a8ba8

The response includes the details and statuses of your annotation store import jobs.

{ "annotationImportJobs": [ { "creationTime": "2023-04-11T19:09:25.049767+00:00", "destinationName": "parsingannotationstore", "versionName": "parsingannotationstore", "id": "9e4198fb-fa85-446c-9301-9b823a1a8ba8", "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::55555555555:role/roleName", "runLeftNormalization": false, "status": "COMPLETED", "updateTime": "2023-04-11T19:13:09.110130+00:00", "annotationFields" : {"VEP": "CSQ"} } ] }

Additional parameters for TSV and VCF formats

For TSV and VCF formats, there are additional parameters that inform the API of how to parse your input.


CSV annotation data that's exported with query engines directly returns information from the dataset import. If the imported data contains formulas or commands, the file might be subject to CSV injection. Therefore, files exported with query engines can prompt security warnings. To avoid malicious activity, turn off links and macros when reading export files.

The TSV parser also performs basic bioinformatics operations, like left normalization and standardization of genomics coordinates, that are listed in the following table.

Format type Description
Generic Generic text file. No genomic information.
CHR_POS Start position - 1, Add end position, which is the same as POS.
CHR_POS_REF_ALT Contains contig, 1-base position, ref and alt allele information.
CHR_START_END_REF_ALT_ONE_BASE Contains contig, start, end, ref and alt allele information. Coordinates are 1-based.
CHR_START_END_ZERO_BASE Contains contig, start, and end positions. Coordinates are 0-based.
CHR_START_END_ONE_BASE Contains contig, start, and end positions. Coordinates are 1-based.
CHR_START_END_REF_ALT_ZERO_BASE Contains contig, start, end, ref and alt allele information. Coordinates are 0-based.

A TSV import annotation store request looks like the following example.

aws omics start-annotation-import-job \ --destination-name tsv_anno_example \ --role-arn arn:aws:iam::555555555555:role/demoRole \ --items source=s3://demodata/genomic_data.bed.gz \ --format-options '{ "tsvOptions": { "readOptions": { "header": false, "sep": "\t" } } }'

Creating TSV formatted annotation stores

The following example creates an annotation store using a tab limited file that contains a header, rows, and comments. The coordinates are CHR_START_END_ONE_BASED, and it contains the HG19 gene map from the OMIM's Synopsis of the Human Gene Map.

aws omics create-annotation-store --name mimgenemap \ --store-format TSV \ --reference=referenceArn=arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:555555555555:referenceStore/6505293348/reference/2310864158 \ --store-options=tsvStoreOptions='{ annotationType=CHR_START_END_ONE_BASE, formatToHeader={CHR=chromosome, START=genomic_position_start, END=genomic_position_end}, schema=[ {chromosome=STRING}, {genomic_position_start=LONG}, {genomic_position_end=LONG}, {cyto_location=STRING}, {computed_cyto_location=STRING}, {mim_number=STRING}, {gene_symbols=STRING}, {gene_name=STRING}, {approved_gene_name=STRING}, {entrez_gene_id=STRING}, {ensembl_gene_id=STRING}, {comments=STRING}, {phenotypes=STRING}, {mouse_gene_symbol=STRING}]}'

You can import files with or without a header. To indicate this in a CLI request, use header=false, as shown in the following import job example.

aws omics start-annotation-import-job \ --role-arn arn:aws:iam::555555555555:role/demoRole \ --items=source=s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/annotation-examples/hg38_genemap2.txt \ --destination-name output-bucket \ --format-options=tsvOptions='{readOptions={sep="\t",header=false,comment="#"}}'

The following example creates an annotation store for a bed file. A bed file is a simple tab delimited file. In this example, the columns are chromosome, start, end, and region name. The coordinates are zero-based, and the data does not have a header.

aws omics create-annotation-store \ --name cexbed --store-format TSV \ --reference=referenceArn=arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:555555555555:referenceStore/6505293348/reference/2310864158 \ --store-options=tsvStoreOptions='{ annotationType=CHR_START_END_ZERO_BASE, formatToHeader={CHR=chromosome, START=start, END=end}, schema=[{chromosome=STRING}, {start=LONG}, {end=LONG}, {name=STRING}]}'

You can then import the bed file into the annotation store by using the following the CLI command.

aws omics start-annotation-import-job \ --role-arn arn:aws:iam::555555555555:role/demoRole \ --items=source=s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/TruSeq_Exome_TargetedRegions_v1.2.bed \ --destination-name cexbed \ --format-options=tsvOptions='{readOptions={sep="\t",header=false,comment="#"}}'

The following example creates an annotation store for a tab delimited file that contains the first few columns of a VCF file, followed by columns with annotation information. It contains genome positions with information on the chromosome, start, reference and alternate alleles, and it contains a header.

aws omics create-annotation-store --name gnomadchrx --store-format TSV \ --reference=referenceArn=arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:555555555555:referenceStore/6505293348/reference/2310864158 \ --store-options=tsvStoreOptions='{ annotationType=CHR_POS_REF_ALT, formatToHeader={CHR=chromosome, POS=start, REF=ref, ALT=alt}, schema=[ {chromosome=STRING}, {start=LONG}, {ref=STRING}, {alt=STRING}, {filters=STRING}, {ac_hom=STRING}, {ac_het=STRING}, {af_hom=STRING}, {af_het=STRING}, {an=STRING}, {max_observed_heteroplasmy=STRING}]}'

You would then import the file into the annotation store using the following the CLI command.

aws omics start-annotation-import-job \ --role-arn arn:aws:iam::555555555555:role/demoRole \ --items=source=s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/gnomad.genomes.v3.1.sites.chrM.reduced_annotations.tsv \ --destination-name gnomadchrx \ --format-options=tsvOptions='{readOptions={sep="\t",header=true,comment="#"}}'

The following example shows how a customer can create an annotation store for a mim2gene file. A mim2gene file provides the links between the genes in OMIM and another gene identifier. It's tab delimited and contains comments.

aws omics create-annotation-store \ --name mim2gene \ --store-format TSV \ --reference=referenceArn=arn:aws:omics:us-west-2:555555555555:referenceStore/6505293348/reference/2310864158 \ --store-options=tsvStoreOptions=' {annotationType=GENERIC, formatToHeader={}, schema=[ {mim_gene_id=STRING}, {mim_type=STRING}, {entrez_id=STRING}, {hgnc=STRING}, {ensembl=STRING}]}'

You can then import data into your store as follows.

aws omics start-annotation-import-job \ --role-arn arn:aws:iam::555555555555:role/demoRole \ --items=source=s3://xquek-dev-aws/annotation-examples/mim2gene.txt \ --destination-name mim2gene \ --format-options=tsvOptions='{readOptions={sep="\t",header=false,comment="#"}}'

Starting VCF formatted import jobs

For VCF files, there are two additional inputs, ignoreQualField and ignoreFilterField, that ignore or include those parameters as shown.

aws omics start-annotation-import-job --destination-name annotation_example\ --role-arn arn:aws:iam::555555555555:role/demoRole \ --items source=s3://demodata/example.garvan.vcf \ --format-options '{ "vcfOptions": { "ignoreQualField": false, "ignoreFilterField": false } }'

You can also cancel an annotation store import, as shown. If the cancellation succeeds, you don't receive a response to this AWS CLI call. However, if the import job ID isn't found or the import job is completed, you receive an error message.

aws omics cancel-annotation-import-job --job-id edd7b8ce-xmpl-47e2-bc99-258cac95a508

Your metadata import job history for get-annotation-import-job, get-variant-import-job, list-annotation-import-jobs, and list-variant-import-jobs is auto-deleted after two years. The variant and annotation data that's imported isn't auto-deleted and remains in your data stores.