Concurrent segment search in Amazon OpenSearch Service
Starting with OpenSearch version 2.17, concurrent segment search uses a new setting to control concurrent search behavior.
New domains created with version 2.17 have default concurrent segment search set to auto mode by default on nodes that are 2xl or above.
Existing domains upgrading to 2.17 have default concurrent segment search set to auto based on instance type for all nodes that are 2xl or above, and if the overall CPU utilization of the cluster is below 45% in the past 1 week.
For more information, see Concurrent segment search version 2.17
Starting with OpenSearch version 2.13, you can use concurrent segment search to help you
search segments in parallel during the query phase. For full documentation of concurrent
segment search, see Concurrent segment search
There are a few additional limitations that apply when you use current segment search with Amazon OpenSearch Service:
You can't enable concurrent segment search at an index level in OpenSearch Service.
By default, OpenSearch Service uses a count of 2 slices with the max slice count mechanism.