Supported operations in Amazon OpenSearch Service - Amazon OpenSearch Service

Supported operations in Amazon OpenSearch Service

OpenSearch Service supports many versions of OpenSearch and legacy Elasticsearch OSS. The following sections show the operations that OpenSearch Service supports for each version.

Notable API differences

Settings and statistics

OpenSearch Service only accepts PUT requests to the _cluster/settings API that use the "flat" settings form. It rejects requests that use the expanded settings form.

// Accepted PUT _cluster/settings { "persistent" : { "action.auto_create_index" : false } } // Rejected PUT _cluster/settings { "persistent": { "action": { "auto_create_index": false } } }

The high-level Java REST client uses the expanded form, so if you need to send settings requests, use the low-level client.

Prior to Elasticsearch 5.3, the _cluster/settings API on OpenSearch Service domains supported only the HTTP PUT method, not the GET method. OpenSearch and later versions of Elasticsearch support the GET method, as shown in the following example:


Here is a return example:

{ "persistent": { "cluster": { "routing": { "allocation": { "cluster_concurrent_rebalance": "2", "node_concurrent_recoveries": "2", "disk": { "watermark": { "low": "1.35gb", "flood_stage": "0.45gb", "high": "0.9gb" } }, "node_initial_primarirecoveries": "4" } } }, "indices": { "recovery": { "max_bytper_sec": "40mb" } } } }

If you compare responses from an open source OpenSearch cluster and OpenSearch Service for certain settings and statistics APIs, you might notice missing fields. OpenSearch Service redacts certain information that exposes service internals, such as the file system data path from _nodes/stats or the operating system name and version from _nodes.


The _shrink API can cause upgrades, configuration changes, and domain deletions to fail. We don't recommend using it on domains that run Elasticsearch versions 5.3 or 5.1. These versions have a bug that can cause snapshot restoration of shrunken indices to fail.

If you use the _shrink API on other Elasticsearch or OpenSearch versions, make the following request before starting the shrink operation:

PUT { "settings": { "index.routing.allocation.require._name": "name-of-the-node-to-shrink-to", "index.blocks.read_only": true } }

Then make the following requests after completing the shrink operation:

PUT { "settings": { "index.routing.allocation.require._name": null, "index.blocks.read_only": false } } PUT { "settings": { "index.routing.allocation.require._name": null, "index.blocks.read_only": false } }

OpenSearch version 2.13

For OpenSearch 2.13, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations. For information about most of the operations, see the OpenSearch REST API reference, or the API reference for the specific plugin.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge, /index-name/update/id, and /index-name/_close)

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node






    • search.phase_took_enabled

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_dashboards

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_ltr

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_plugins/_asynchronous_search

  • /_plugins/_alerting

  • /_plugins/_anomaly_detection

  • /_plugins/_ism

  • /_plugins/_ml

  • /_plugins/_notifications

  • /_plugins/_ppl

  • /_plugins/_security

  • /_plugins/_security_analytics

  • /_plugins/_sm

  • /_plugins/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_resolve/index

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search/pipeline

  • /_search/point_in_time

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic OpenSearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

OpenSearch version 2.11

For OpenSearch 2.11, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations. For information about most of the operations, see the OpenSearch REST API reference, or the API reference for the specific plugin.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge, /index-name/update/id, and /index-name/_close)

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_dashboards

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_ltr

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_plugins/_asynchronous_search

  • /_plugins/_alerting

  • /_plugins/_anomaly_detection

  • /_plugins/_ism

  • /_plugins/_ml

  • /_plugins/_notifications

  • /_plugins/_ppl

  • /_plugins/_security

  • /_plugins/_security_analytics

  • /_plugins/_sm

  • /_plugins/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_resolve/index

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search/pipeline

  • /_search/point_in_time

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic OpenSearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

OpenSearch version 2.9

For OpenSearch 2.9, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations. For information about most of the operations, see the OpenSearch REST API reference, or the API reference for the specific plugin.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge, /index-name/update/id, and /index-name/_close)

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_dashboards

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_ltr

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_plugins/_asynchronous_search

  • /_plugins/_alerting

  • /_plugins/_anomaly_detection

  • /_plugins/_ism

  • /_plugins/_ml

  • /_plugins/_notifications

  • /_plugins/_ppl

  • /_plugins/_security

  • /_plugins/_security_analytics

  • /_plugins/_sm

  • /_plugins/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_resolve/index

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search/pipeline

  • /_search/point_in_time

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic OpenSearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

OpenSearch version 2.7

For OpenSearch 2.7, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations. For information about most of the operations, see the OpenSearch REST API reference, or the API reference for the specific plugin.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge, /index-name/update/id, and /index-name/_close)

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_dashboards

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_ltr

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_plugins/_asynchronous_search

  • /_plugins/_alerting

  • /_plugins/_anomaly_detection

  • /_plugins/_ism

  • /_plugins/_ml

  • /_plugins/_notifications

  • /_plugins/_ppl

  • /_plugins/_security

  • /_plugins/_security_analytics

  • /_plugins/_sm

  • /_plugins/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_resolve/index

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search/point_in_time

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic OpenSearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

OpenSearch version 2.5

For OpenSearch 2.5, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations. For information about most of the operations, see the OpenSearch REST API reference, or the API reference for the specific plugin.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge, /index-name/update/id, and /index-name/_close)

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_dashboards

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_ltr

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_plugins/_asynchronous_search

  • /_plugins/_alerting

  • /_plugins/_anomaly_detection

  • /_plugins/_ism

  • /_plugins/_ml

  • /_plugins/_notifications

  • /_plugins/_ppl

  • /_plugins/_security

  • /_plugins/_security_analytics

  • /_plugins/_sm

  • /_plugins/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_resolve/index

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search/point_in_time

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic OpenSearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

OpenSearch version 2.3

For OpenSearch 2.3, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations. For information about most of the operations, see the OpenSearch REST API reference, or the API reference for the specific plugin.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge, /index-name/update/id, and /index-name/_close)

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_dashboards

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_ltr

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_plugins/_asynchronous_search

  • /_plugins/_alerting

  • /_plugins/_anomaly_detection

  • /_plugins/_ism

  • /_plugins/_ml

  • _plugins/_notifications

  • /_plugins/_ppl

  • /_plugins/_security

  • /_plugins/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_resolve/index

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic OpenSearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

OpenSearch version 1.3

For OpenSearch 1.3, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations. For information about most of the operations, see the OpenSearch REST API reference, or the API reference for the specific plugin.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge, /index-name/update/id, and /index-name/_close)

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_dashboards

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_ltr

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_plugins/_asynchronous_search

  • /_plugins/_alerting

  • /_plugins/_anomaly_detection

  • /_plugins/_ism

  • /_plugins/_ml

  • /_plugins/_ppl

  • /_plugins/_security

  • /_plugins/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_resolve/index

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic OpenSearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

OpenSearch version 1.2

For OpenSearch 1.2, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations. For information about most of the operations, see the OpenSearch REST API reference, or the API reference for the specific plugin.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge, /index-name/update/id, and /index-name/_close)

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_dashboards

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_ltr

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_plugins/_asynchronous_search

  • /_plugins/_alerting

  • /_plugins/_anomaly_detection

  • /_plugins/_ism

  • /_plugins/_ppl

  • /_plugins/_security

  • /_plugins/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_resolve/index

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic OpenSearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

OpenSearch version 1.1

For OpenSearch 1.1, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations. For information about most of the operations, see the OpenSearch REST API reference, or the API reference for the specific plugin.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge, /index-name/update/id, and /index-name/_close)

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_dashboards

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_ltr

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_plugins/_asynchronous_search

  • /_plugins/_alerting

  • /_plugins/_anomaly_detection

  • /_plugins/_ism

  • /_plugins/_ppl

  • /_plugins/_security

  • /_plugins/_sql

  • /_plugins/_transforms

  • /_percolate

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_resolve/index

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic OpenSearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

OpenSearch version 1.0

For OpenSearch 1.0, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations. For information about most of the operations, see the OpenSearch REST API reference, or the API reference for the specific plugin.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge, /index-name/update/id, and /index-name/_close)

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_dashboards

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_ltr

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_plugins/_asynchronous_search

  • /_plugins/_alerting

  • /_plugins/_anomaly_detection

  • /_plugins/_ism

  • /_plugins/_ppl

  • /_plugins/_security

  • /_plugins/_sql

  • /_plugins/_transforms

  • /_percolate

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_resolve/index

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic OpenSearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

Elasticsearch version 7.10

For Elasticsearch 7.10, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge, /index-name/update/id, and /index-name/_close)

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_index_template6

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_index_template

  • /_ltr

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_opendistro/_alerting

  • /_opendistro/_asynchronous_search

  • /_opendistro/_anomaly_detection

  • /_opendistro/_ism

  • /_opendistro/_ppl

  • /_opendistro/_security

  • /_opendistro/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_plugins/_replication

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_resolve/index

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template6

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic Elasticsearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

  6. Legacy index templates (_template) were replaced by composable templates (_index_template) starting with Elasticsearch 7.8. Composable templates take precedence over legacy templates. If no composable template matches a given index, a legacy template can still match and be applied. The _template operation still works on OpenSearch and later versions of Elasticsearch OSS, but GET calls to the two template types return different results.

Elasticsearch version 7.9

For Elasticsearch 7.9, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge, /index-name/update/id, and /index-name/_close)

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_index_template6

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_ltr

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_opendistro/_alerting

  • /_opendistro/_anomaly_detection

  • /_opendistro/_ism

  • /_opendistro/_ppl

  • /_opendistro/_security

  • /_opendistro/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_resolve/index

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template6

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic OpenSearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

  6. Legacy index templates (_template) were replaced by composable templates (_index_template) starting with Elasticsearch 7.8. Composable templates take precedence over legacy templates. If no composable template matches a given index, a legacy template can still match and be applied. The _template operation still works on OpenSearch and later versions of Elasticsearch OSS, but GET calls to the two template types return different results.

Elasticsearch version 7.8

For Elasticsearch 7.8, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge, /index-name/update/id, and /index-name/_close)

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_index_template6

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_ltr

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_opendistro/_alerting

  • /_opendistro/_anomaly_detection

  • /_opendistro/_ism

  • /_opendistro/_security

  • /_opendistro/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template6

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic Elasticsearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

  6. Legacy index templates (_template) were replaced by composable templates (_index_template) starting with Elasticsearch 7.8. Composable templates take precedence over legacy templates. If no composable template matches a given index, a legacy template can still match and be applied. The _template operation still works on OpenSearch and later versions of Elasticsearch OSS, but GET calls to the two template types return different results.

Elasticsearch version 7.7

For Elasticsearch 7.7, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge, /index-name/update/id, and /index-name/_close)

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_ltr

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_opendistro/_alerting

  • /_opendistro/_anomaly_detection

  • /_opendistro/_ism

  • /_opendistro/_security

  • /_opendistro/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic Elasticsearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

Elasticsearch version 7.4

For Elasticsearch 7.4, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge, /index-name/update/id, and /index-name/_close)

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_opendistro/_alerting

  • /_opendistro/_anomaly_detection

  • /_opendistro/_ism

  • /_opendistro/_security

  • /_opendistro/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic Elasticsearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

Elasticsearch version 7.1

For Elasticsearch 7.1, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge and /index-name/update/id) except /index-name/_close

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_opendistro/_alerting

  • /_opendistro/_ism

  • /_opendistro/_security

  • /_opendistro/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic Elasticsearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

Elasticsearch version 6.8

For Elasticsearch 6.8, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge and /index-name/update/id) except /index-name/_close

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

    • cluster.blocks.read_only

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_opendistro/_alerting

  • /_opendistro/_ism

  • /_opendistro/_security

  • /_opendistro/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic Elasticsearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

Elasticsearch version 6.7

For Elasticsearch 6.7, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge and /index-name/update/id) except /index-name/_close

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • cluster.max_shards_per_node

  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_opendistro/_alerting

  • /_opendistro/_security

  • /_opendistro/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic Elasticsearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

Elasticsearch version 6.5

For Elasticsearch 6.5, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge and /index-name/update/id) except /index-name/_close

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_opendistro/_alerting

  • /_opendistro/_sql

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic Elasticsearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

Elasticsearch version 6.4

For Elasticsearch 6.4, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge and /index-name/update/id) except /index-name/_close

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_opendistro/_alerting

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic Elasticsearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

Elasticsearch version 6.3

For Elasticsearch 6.3, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge and /index-name/update/id) except /index-name/_close

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_opendistro/_alerting

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic Elasticsearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

Elasticsearch version 6.2

For Elasticsearch 6.2, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge and /index-name/update/id) except /index-name/_close

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_opendistro/_alerting

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_rank_eval

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_split

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic Elasticsearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

Elasticsearch version 6.0

For Elasticsearch 6.0, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge and /index-name/update/id) except /index-name/_close

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic Elasticsearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

Elasticsearch version 5.6

For Elasticsearch 5.6, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge and /index-name/update/id) except /index-name/_close

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic Elasticsearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

Elasticsearch version 5.5

For Elasticsearch 5.5, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge and /index-name/update/id) except /index-name/_close

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties4:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_rollover

  • /_scripts3

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink5

  • /_snapshot

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. For considerations about using scripts, see Other supported resources in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

  4. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic Elasticsearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  5. See Shrink.

Elasticsearch version 5.3

For Elasticsearch 5.3, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge and /index-name/update/id) except /index-name/_close

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties3:

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_rollover

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink4

  • /_snapshot

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. Refers to the PUT method. For information about the GET method, see Notable API differences. This list only refers to the generic Elasticsearch operations that OpenSearch Service supports and does not include plugin-specific supported operations for anomaly detection, ISM, and so on.

  4. See Shrink.

Elasticsearch version 5.1

For Elasticsearch 5.1, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge and /index-name/update/id) except /index-name/_close

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/allocation/explain

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/pending_tasks

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties (PUT only):

    • action.auto_create_index


    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


  • /_cluster/state

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_delete_by_query1

  • /_explain

  • /_field_caps

  • /_field_stats

  • /_flush

  • /_ingest/pipeline

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_mtermvectors

  • /_nodes

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_refresh

  • /_reindex1

  • /_render

  • /_rollover

  • /_search2

  • /_search profile

  • /_shard_stores

  • /_shrink3

  • /_snapshot

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_tasks

  • /_template

  • /_update_by_query1

  • /_validate

  1. Cluster configuration changes might interrupt these operations before completion. We recommend that you use the /_tasks operation along with these operations to verify that the requests completed successfully.

  2. DELETE requests to /_search/scroll with a message body must specify "Content-Length" in the HTTP header. Most clients add this header by default. To avoid a problem with = characters in scroll_id values, use the request body, not the query string, to pass scroll_id values to OpenSearch Service.

  3. See Shrink.

Elasticsearch version 2.3

For Elasticsearch 2.3, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path (such as /index-name/_forcemerge and /index-name/_recovery) except /index-name/_close

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cache/clear (index only)

  • /_cat (except /_cat/nodeattrs)

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties (PUT only):

    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • threadpool.get.queue_size

    • threadpool.bulk.queue_size

    • threadpool.index.queue_size

    • threadpool.percolate.queue_size


    • threadpool.suggest.queue_size

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_flush

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_nodes

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_refresh

  • /_render

  • /_search

  • /_snapshot

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_template

Elasticsearch version 1.5

For Elasticsearch 1.5, OpenSearch Service supports the following operations.

  • All operations in the index path, such as /index-name/_optimize and /index-name/_warmer, except /index-name/_close

  • /_alias

  • /_aliases

  • /_all

  • /_analyze

  • /_bulk

  • /_cat

  • /_cluster/health

  • /_cluster/settings for several properties (PUT only):

    • indices.breaker.fielddata.limit

    • indices.breaker.request.limit


    • threadpool.get.queue_size

    • threadpool.bulk.queue_size

    • threadpool.index.queue_size

    • threadpool.percolate.queue_size


    • threadpool.suggest.queue_size

  • /_cluster/stats

  • /_count

  • /_flush

  • /_mapping

  • /_mget

  • /_msearch

  • /_nodes

  • /_percolate

  • /_plugin/kibana

  • /_plugin/kibana3

  • /_plugin/migration

  • /_refresh

  • /_search

  • /_snapshot

  • /_stats

  • /_status

  • /_template